Watching a racist millionaire property developer pretending to be a friend of the working class to try to attract BernieBros would be hilarious if it wasn't working in some cases.

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Is Trump the Antichrist? Seriously, has anyone really SEEN what's under that thing on his head? Just saying...

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Sorry I'm late to the party. Had I been here at the beginning I would have taken the opportunity to suggest that, since there is no... Rule #6, that we add to the Rules for Commenting Radicals #7, to wit, DON'T FEED THE TROLLS (because they like it and it just encourages them).

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Third eye!

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I suspect it's her way of relaxing after a long day of senatoring. He's such an easy target.

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Did anyone notice the putrid pumpkin spice-donut had an entrance straight out of an Academy Awards/WWE? Hillary is so boring with her plain stage with a few flags talking about stuff and things.

Where are the screaming throngs in flag shirts! You have to have flag shirts. THAT sir, is patriotism.

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And hats, lots of goofy (thanks liz) hats. hats that say words on them!!!

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uh...Pocahontas comes off as a standoffish, chronic complainer. have you ever analyzed her demeanor, mannerisms and the way she talks. reminds me of those goody two shoes students from grade school that threatened to tattle tale on you if you did something wrong or broke the rules....an annoyying screeching is about as close as i can come to a description...lol

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Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Orange Real Estate Developer

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Yeah but that sentence contains all the best words!

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He is saying 'the dig' incorrectly. Warren is dubbed " Fauxcahontas" by losers supporting the loser Scott Brown, including making mock whooping sounds, photoshop pics, etc, etc. They thought mocking Warren for her claim of Native American heritage by mocking Native Americans was a winning strategy, it wasn't, and they thought it was funny, it wasn't and still isn't. Trump can't even insult correctly.

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I'm suspecting a huge mass of orange drank

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Only needs to be 140 characters or less

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It's like he's called her a real descended-from-someone-born-in-America American!

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There was that SFB congregation in Cleveland last week...

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"Masturbated to Trump 5 too many times"

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