And didn’t want to be hyperbolically exagerrative.

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Yeah, that. You know what I meant. I also did not to spell things.

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Guesstimation is perfectly fine in the intertubes

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Tom Horne was, and remains a racist white supremacist cracker Republican (but I repeat myself) who argued that teaching hispanic kids about their true history was somehow racist because it ignored the Dead White Europeans who are all anyone needs to learn about, anyway.

All he really did was get a couple teachers fired, and jhella lot of people fired up.

He radicalized a whole buncha kids, too, because before he blew it up MAS was just another elective class they could take.

They published a whole list of banned books, too removed 'em from the libraries, which sold a hell of a lot of kindle copies.

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Tom Horne is a racist white guy who thought them brown kids were getting uppity.

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Well, he is right. They are going to do it by becoming the United States Government, with votes.

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That would be about Reuben Salazar, who was murdered in cold blood by the LAPD. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... The HST piece is "Strange Rublings in Aztlan" https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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Easy, everybody knows that the rule of law doesn't really apply to poor black people.

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Yeah. My little bit of pop-psych.They will accuse you of doing the things that they would do or have done.Because let's face it, they are just not empathetic, creative or insightful.

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of ferfucksake. Yes there are clinics that will low/no-cost spay or neuter your pets based on need, there's two within about four miles of where I live. No it ain't paid for by medicaid. Bet your grand-daughter's relative is thinking of this https://www.nokillpimacount... They'll do it for free if you're on public assistance.

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oh fuck he still pops in on the blog that caught him out sock-puppeting to proclaim how his reforms so vastly improved AZ educational standards. At least he now posts as himself.

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Preach it, brother! ¡Baja Arizona Libre!

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Uh... actually Zyclon-B is part of Mexican-American history. During the Mexican Revolution, the city of El Paso sprayed Mexican workers crossing the border with the stuff ... supposedly to kill fleas. It led to a riot by cleaning ladies and the City of El Paso had to call on the Mexican Army to help quell the ladies who resented being spied on while taking their "showers". The Germans later requested a copy of the patent used for those showers, btw. (Source: Ringside Seat to the Revolution, David Romo, El Paso: 2006).

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How the hell are we supposed to make America great again if there are Mexicans? When America was great there were no Mexicans. Would it be OK to keep the restaurants and just get rid of the Mexicans?

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I think it was Milo Yiannopoulos, right after he told us what his favorite hair sparkling gel was.

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It wouldn't make sense to anyone who isn't a complete asshole.

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