Well i knew his academic credentials have been a source of debate for a long time.

I hate that guy.

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Trump has family, associates, and sycophants. Nothing more.

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Ah life in Pencotopia.

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We live in Indiana and have a firearm for home protection. When you're surrounded by these type of idiots, you have to be on equal footing when it comes to defense. I hate guns, but I wouldn't hesitate to defend myself and my family. I hate living here, but family and all...

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Be of good cheer, Nazis. It may true that he has appointed Jared Kushner the Gauleiter of Everything but he changes direction more often than a wind vane in a tornado, so it is perfectly possible that he will appoint Alex Jones or a package of cocktail weenies or David Duke himself the Gauleiter of Everything next week.

And he lies on a level that hasn't been seen since the golden days of your 88 fellow. For instance, he didn't mean a word of that address.

So keep your chin up, your race pure (or pure enough) and your horsts wesseled, if you know what I mean. [NB, non-Nazis only: I am trying to invent a new euphemism for masturbation. Do you think they'll notice?]

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Thanks!Such beautiful dogs!So many colors! I don't think I've ever seen the dark color before.There is nothing that moves like them!My fantasy dog farm has at least two of these.Why don't I see more of them? Too expensive?

(Alas, Mr. Demme is allergic to dogs, so I have to work within his limitations. Doesn't stop me, though. I have two little rescues that don't shed.)

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trump being a white supremacist is second to being a .1% snob who has no respect for the pathetic lower classes - and a healthy cruelty to keep them from ever increasing that privileged percentage - Marie Antoinette would be proud to have his head mounted next to hers in hell

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I vote #5 plus Nananana, I can't hear you, also, too.

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Where you been Nicholas Kristof? Gorka's been getting the side eye for years now.

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To be fair, i didn't vote for Jared Kushner either.

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Most folks think of Borzoi being white, but the bloodlines I worked with were mostly English & Canadian. Self-colored dogs aren't uncommon but they can be tough to win with. Dash (1st dog) was a dark red brindle. All of them were Field Champions in Lure Coursing as well. I was more into the field-look dogs anyway.

I don't really think it's the expense that keeps people away as much as they're just too big to keep in an apartment. You can keep an adult in an apartment, no problem. They're big lazy dogs, but youngsters don't do well. They need to really be able to stretch out and run to grow up strong and straight.

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He is not. Alawites are a Shia branch of Islam. However (IIRC), Shias are the minority in Syria (unlike Iraq). Other minorities (like Christians) have looked to the minority strongman for protection.

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I didn't know about fake PhD. Did you?

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We had a standard poodle, (Mr. Demme called her "sub-standard") that was from a breeder who was into obedience trials, instead of the show cut poodle craziness. Too bad our girl was a neurotic, (but lovable) mess.She used to play and run with a Saluki puppy at the dog park.(I wonder if that was a little like a Borzoi puppy?)Are Borzoi like greyhounds when they get older?

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