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ESPECIALLY any second weddings, 'cause Jeebus was really pissed about divorce.

Pretty nearly the only thing he explicitly reviled, except that fig tree.

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Sorry, I have to ask. If you can't see them, why do they annoy you?

(I just had my first double-double and chocolate shake in about a year and a half the other day. It was delicicicious.)

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I think Editrix has already reserved that URI for the Wonkette Religion blog.

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"Expressing freedom." Is the same type of freedom expression as beating crap out of someone because they are gay? This poor persecuted christian minority just doesn't have enough freedoms.

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Are they friendly spirits?

Friendly? Just LISTEN!

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is this the one where they hired Ben Affleck to play God in the movie?

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yes, yes and yes (if I recall correctly w/o Googling)

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The appeal of hand-wringing like a persecuted victim is too seductive.

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Actually, this isn't a bad idea if you dislike gays that much. Problem* is, even borderline anti-gay folks will look at that verse and think, "I don't get this gay orientation thing, but this is some really hateful shit. Maybe I'll go with the non-gay murdering photographer to take snaps of the most love filled day of my life". See, it's not the non-gay that bugs folks...it the hateful kill-the-gays shit that gets under reasonable folk's skin.

*By "problem" I mean godsend. I want these folks to spew their hate louder, stronger, and sanity-free. Why? Eventually it will drive more folks into the camp with the rest of use folks who don't give a fuck about who has sex with who. Seriously, the only way this would work better is if these homophobic shutterbugs put a swastika on the card.

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I LOVE THAT VERSE. Jesus, we beseech thee...rain down upon us thy soothing and tasty single malt scotch!

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<i>whip up some business cards that reflect our beliefs, but we’ve been unable to find the Bible verse that says that we specialize in exorcizing the stupid out of people.</i>

me personally, i would just go with some machiavelli. or nietzsche.

or john webster.

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Exorcising the stupid? I think it starts: Eenie Meanie, chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak.

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Man,this guy REALLY needs to get laid.

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yup, go take some 8x10s of that boarded up bakery and you can put whatever goofy saying you want on the back while you collect unemployment

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I see no mention of photography in teh constitution- therefore wedding photographers are unconstitutional

QED originalist bitches!!1!1!11!!

(and a quick Fuck You! to Scalia, just because)

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