You just ask the old bats who run the tables and watched you sign the book the next day, who voted and what time and what kind of trashy whore clothes they were wearing and whether they should go ahead and marry that girl "She's really very nice,I was in the 5th grade with her Grandma.". They know.

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They have canes!

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Recalled by me too, plus the NO NATIONAL ID! squealing for my entire childhood from the Birchers. I like to say to the the RWNJS, I am for ID. I want to implant a microchip into your arm just to see how many guns you buy and whether a doctor can legally resuscitate you under Obama care.

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OT, but am I screwing something up? When I log into Wonkette, I don't see the current stories...just the ones from other the weekend. I can only get here via FB...and that's just sad.

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Where are those scrap metal thieves when you need 'em?

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But the judges ruling won't prevent Blackwater / Xe types from standing outside polling places, and turning away people without ID.

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I would imagine it would depend on where the tattoo is located.

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Jeez, I bet you even used Arabic numerals for that math. It's probably on the no-fly list.

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James O'Keefe has a pulse?

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Pennsylvania voters - gettin' all uppity.

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Say, this is good news. I’m going to drive over there from Minnesota so I can join in the Pennsylvania voting orgy.

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Damn, it's almost like they'll let any citizen 18 or older without a felony conviction vote.

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This is good news for Hugo Chavez.

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Because white men can't dunk. Wait a minute....

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This answers that on-going question: How do you drive insecure, defensive, shrieky wingnuts right around the bend?

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But, if they have to show an ID to buy a gun, there will be a record of their address, so the guys from the black helicopters will know where to go to confiscate their guns.

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