I always wondered what happened to Tiny Tim. Turns out he got transgendered and went into the PR business. Huh.

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The reason the 'lamestream media' didn't cover her speech is because Palin's audience only watches Fox News. Overtures to the BBC, The New Yorker, and the Christian Science Monitor would also fall on deaf ears.

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You'd need spirochetes eating your brain to tolerate the Palindrome.

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Dear RAMansour, Sarah’s speeches are like fingernails on a chalkboard run through 50 Marshall stacks cranked up to 11. Nobody wants to hear that. Well, maybe Ted Nugent. Go see Ted.

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Must be that adage about "no such thing as bad publicity" is true...nothing like begging for coverage of getting booed throughout a public speaking engagement. Stupid lamestream failing to allow her to bask in self-proclaimed victimization by all those scary Wisconsonites/Walker-Kock-hater/anti-Amrikan/midwesterners.

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Hi @Lamestreammedia....sometimes I doubt your commitment to @SparkleMotion.

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