Whenever there's a long line, or the Hovercraft Hussies have pissed on every seat, I march my unafraid and shameless ass right into the men's room and use their stall. Guess who gives a fuck? Nobody! I look decidedly female and never once have I been harassed, attacked, spoken to, or even looked at while pulling down my pants among all those scary rape-monsters. (Men have a pretty strict policy about not fraternizing in the bathroom - I rather enjoy it, TBH.) It's almost as if most men aren't even rapists and the few who are aren't really interested in so public a performance.

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Whole lotta bullshit here. For example, ghostwriters don't do book tours.

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Be careful putting that wit away - you might cut yourself!

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I suspect she knew she was going to get axed and this is just grift performance art.

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Which, when was called on her selfish attitude, pretended she was making bread for charity! When she had gone on about it being for her family, who couldn't eat store-bought bread for some weird reason.

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Yeah, there is a nasty one on WaPo comments and once when she was spouting her don't call me a TERF, nonsense, I said no one ever called me one, have you tried not being one?

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Unfortunately (for her, anyway) I doubt it. They make you tell them your real name and (most of the time) will look it up to make sure you're not some famous Eyeball Slasher out on parole. The internet does NOT lend itself to anonymity. Her best bet at this point would be to court all the "Christian" publishing houses, where she can agree to churn out Bible Babble Monthly or whatever. Seriously, that Watchtowers shit doesn't write itself! Also, many church pastors buy their weekly sermons from clever writers, which is a perfectly legitimate way to earn your living AND be a hateful bigot.

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Yes, the Daily Fail is a tabloid.

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Tangential: Erin Hunter books are the bane of my existence as a children’s librarian. There are so. goddamned. MANY of them! And all of them are crazy popular. You’d think at least one of the gabillion spin-off series would fall of in circulation so I could weed them and they’d stop taking up half the juvenile fiction section, but noooooo, the kids keep checking them ALL out. I know I know, I’m supposed to love that kids are reading, and there’s nothing particularly terrible about the books, except that there’s ELEVENTY BILLION of them.

/niche rant

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The fact that they don't want to be called what they are PROVES that in their hearts, they know they're wrong. "Don't call me a racist just because I sat here and listed ten things that are wrong with black people! I'm just trying to explain how they can get themselves out of the ghetto and stop being shot by cops."

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It also deliberately ignores that a man who's willing to perv like that would *never* publicly impugn his "manhood" by stating to be trans. That a douchebro who claims they're so alpha it hurts and are a 0 on the Kinsey Scale would ever, EVER tell another they're trans just to get into a women's only space is insane. It fundamentally misunderstands.... well everything about everyone and everything involved. No guy that wants to win that badly wants to be seen as anything less then macho AF; no man that desperate to get close to a woman wants there to be anything to imply otherwise to the women in the room. It's a self-sorting algorithm that means the scenario they posit is not gonna happen... but it's a neat little lie to help hurt people they don't like.

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This is an interesting thing. Never have I heard these people mention trans men and what reasons they have for transitioning. But trans women are always doing it so they can hurt "real" women. What a bunch of fucks.

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Related. Anyone can get published if they complain about cancel culture to the New York Times!


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I also told her the reason no one ever called me that, was that I supported people's right to be who they are.

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Where hell have you been?

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She kind of hinted at that with the "lesbian haters" charge. They think trans men would just be lesbians if they didn't hate lesbians, I guess.

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