Two points: 1) The growing income inequality absolutely proves supply-side economics doesn't work (were it valid, income inequality would be self-correcting), so I am not sure how the Republicans plan on having an economic plan this cycle if they keep pointing it out instead of ignoring it (see 1980-2013). 2) Ted Cruz is about as likeable as a kick to the scrotum.

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Not to mention that he is CANADIAN.

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Don't forget Rand Paul's.

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Maybe he forgot to bring it.

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You don't get out much, do you?

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Ted Cruz always reminds me of a guy who needs to shave his tongue. I have no idea what that means.

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So, Republicans love poor people? No wonder they keep advancing policies that make more and more people poor, and prevent them from getting out of poverty once they're there!

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...the proper response to the diarrhea that Ted Cruz just spewed out of the pimply anus that he call a "mouth", is "Well since you hate the 1% so much, you must support an increase in the income tax and closing of loopholes"?

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Ted Cruz is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.

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And worst of all, think of all the money those poor would save if they weren't wasting it on health insurance!!

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It's a toss-up as to which voice I most can't bear to listen to- his or Tundra Twat's.

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Don't foget that he, the king of the filibuster the last 2 years, also whined petulantly about Democratic Senators holding up legislation because Repubs want to strip out the President's discretion on immigration.

<em>"But let me make the broader point. What we saw last week was stunning irresponsibility from the Senate Democrats. Senate Democrats three times filibustered funding for the Department of Homeland Security. We have a bill on the floor to fund DHS."</em>

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Listen for Retards like Cruz to talk about "broadening the tax base" which is code for making lower income people pay higher taxes. They totally have a bug up their ass about how 52% (or whatever it is) of people don't pay income taxes. Sometimes they say "flatter taxes" which is another way to do the same thing. This is so poor people will have "skin in the game".

Higher taxes on rich people are bad, higher taxes on poor people are good.

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<i>"Why would you ever trust [Republicans] again?</i>

What is this "again" he speaks of?

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OT: "Judge Alan King of Jefferson County Probate Court in Birmingham issued the first license to two women, making Alabama the 37th state where gays can legally wed. He then proceeded to issue several more."

This after activist AL Chief Justice Roy "Ten Commandments" Moore told judges NOT to issue marriage licenses.

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