One of the interesting things about the fight for LGBT acceptance and equality over the years is that corporations -- even some of the evil, obnoxious ones -- were way ahead of the gummint when it came to getting their little heads around the idea that, you know, hey, maybe the gays and the trans people and all the various other whatnots might ACTUALLY be great employees.
Neiman marcus is an even worse offender.its ok for managers to say "fire him he has HIV". The company has forged court documents to smear gay employees as well.
It's possible they will pull the Hobby Lobby card and insert religion into the mix. "We will be violating our employees freedom of religion and expression if we force them to not be bigoted assholes to those who don't conform to their religious beliefs, be it fellow employees or customers." It worked for Michigan.
"The nail that sticks out will be hammered down" --Japanese proverb
You'd think that a big city business would be more accepting of diversity but corporations are like septic tanks: the bigger chunks float to the top.
It's probably an accident, but the way the photos on the front page of the Wonket line up at the moment, George Zimmerman is looking at the trans woman with a very surprised expression on his face.
Neiman marcus is an even worse offender.its ok for managers to say "fire him he has HIV". The company has forged court documents to smear gay employees as well.
It's Saks Fifth Avenue, not Sex Filth Avenue. Although, if it was, I'd feel better about the gift-shopping recommendations.
Wait, department stores still exist? How quaint.
To the contrary. Dilatory and losing legal strategies are the mothers milk of billable hours.
It's possible they will pull the Hobby Lobby card and insert religion into the mix. "We will be violating our employees freedom of religion and expression if we force them to not be bigoted assholes to those who don't conform to their religious beliefs, be it fellow employees or customers." It worked for Michigan.
I will happily go make she-male jokes now, because I have no filter and will make jokes about anyone and everyone (and everything)!
Also, she's pretty hot!
"The nail that sticks out will be hammered down" --Japanese proverb
You'd think that a big city business would be more accepting of diversity but corporations are like septic tanks: the bigger chunks float to the top.
Oh, this courtroom antic will cost them a couple extra zeros on the settlement check.
"employee handbooks are not contracts as a matter of law"
But I bet they'll still fire employees for being 5 minutes late a few times.
Meanwhile, in Russia <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
It&#039;s probably an accident, but the way the photos on the front page of the Wonket line up at the moment, George Zimmerman is looking at the trans woman with a very surprised expression on his face.
Yup, the same kind of sense that Scott Brown thinks of as &quot;people&quot;.
I may disagree with your tasteless shemale jokes, but I will defend your right to make them.
Je suis Savage Drummer!
Yeah, but his son Beau is a vette.
I hear it&#039;s bad for their ladyparts.
Right on, brother!