I guess that makes us the lucky duckies. We here at Wonkette get to live rent-free in your head.

Cheaper than Mom's basement, eh?

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I'm sure you, like me, has despaired at how easy it would be to make a stupid amount of money real fast if you didn't have a thing about stealing from stupid people.

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A jobless fascist commie! Get a job, ya fascist commie!!

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The troll's comments all disappeared. I just got done reporting one that was threatening. I know correlation does not equal causation, but I can't decide if I'm proud or sad. I was having fun with him.

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More like a receipt proving that you paid an absurd amount of real money for a picture of a Beanie Baby (which may or may not actually exist.)

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"Plunderkind" goes straight to Dok's Top Ten coinages.

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It rolls off the tongue, right? Perfect.

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The "rational" for keeping the dispensaries out of the banking system is that the banks are federally regulated. Radio stations are federally regulated yet I hear ads for dispensaries. Go figure.

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Is there such a thing as counterfeit cryptocurrency?

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It's the start of the "finding out" phase.

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My Dad and brother were utterly unable to understand the lure of Spotlight to me, until I described it as "Bunnings for women". Then they did that "Ohhhh" thing.

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Well, if the government would get out of the way, they wouldn't have to do it at night, would they? Bet you didn't think of that, you commie puppet!

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Just vaguely wave in Wonkette's direction and say "this."

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seems like a double negative, or an oxymoron or something

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Lol, perfect!

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''..cryptocurrency and fraud — which are synonymous...''

This is the ONLY THING people need to know and if they lose load of money they have nobody but themsleves to blane, and should never get it back.

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