Lt. Gov. Colyer reports that he has served as "a volunteer surgeon in overseas combat zones." The kind of thing legends are made up of.

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Oh. Shit.

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You do know that Betty is openly mocking the RWNJ community, right?

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i didn't know we had an ambassador representing people with invisible friends not named Harvey.

[ he's a pooka, you know ]

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It does fit their overall pattern.

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In that case, I hope he has even more luck in cleaning up Brownback's mess and his own mess.

His Hoover to his Coolidge and Harding?

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yeah, i've been waiting* for that priest to get back to me on the logic behind authorizing the children's crusades.

* for over 50 years now

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High and outside for most, straight ahead for a few more $.

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The utterly transparent fundamentalist christianist ass kissing is getting old. I suppose the christianists don't care if the administration means it as long as they get their way.

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What could go wrong? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Also the freedom from religion? The freedom of Sikhs and Buddhists? Did he ever even take a single class in religious studies? Why is this even a job? The Esquire article basically asked the same...

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I did know that! 🐇

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I call dibs on Ambassador for Stuffed Toy Zebras. 😯Or "Prison Ponies" as the CorrectNames Twitter account says. My first act? Banning the derogatory term "Prison Ponies". 😠 #NoneOfThisIsBusyWork

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“I’ll never ever think about a teat again.”

Dr. Jeff ColyerThe Next Governor of the State of Kansas7/31 https://uploads.disquscdn.c... /17

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It's a republican tradition like when Bush (Daddy) pulled failed Florida Gov Bob Martinez, to be Drug Czar. He was famous here for his campaign against the group that did the song "Me So Horny". Look up Two-Live Crew's song Fuck Martinez, for their reply.

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