Ta, MM. When I called Younger Sister to wish her happy Thanksgiving, I asked innocently whether the five adult siblings she and her bf were planning on dining with are vaccinated. She said, "I didn't ask and I don't care! You of all people should believe in bodily autonomy. Vaccine mandates are illegal! That was just the beginning of her anti-vax screed.

Good. I have a great excuse to avoid her for the foreseeable future.

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Hey Laydee--Have your bra straps have fallen out of your top, or are you "Group Captain" of the assembled illiterates?

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Got my booster on the 19, but I refuse to pay more for the same crappy coverage from AssT&T so no 5G for me! Not even a phone upgrade because the one I have had for 2+ years works fine sine I take fucking care of it

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Doritos are good for the economy, dammit!

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Michael M. Your opening statement was spot on! Thanks for watching so we don't have to.

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*hugs* Zyx.

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I don't care if I never see or hear about my unvaxxed sister, BIL and niece again. It's the fact that they are deliberately ensuring that our 90-year-old parents die without ever getting hugs and kisses from them again that infuriates me. Selfish, selfish, selfish.

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This shit drives me nuts - Fauci, Redliner, and the others have been saying from the beginning of the vaccine development that they thought it likely (though not certain) that we'd need multiple vaccines, maybe boosters depending on whether it got under control or not. It didn't get under control, and hence CONSEQUENCES, motherfuckers!

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From our own Liz Dye's post on another topic, here's how a Regressive described the Arizona fraudit:

"'Doug [Logan} crafted an unprecedented well oiled machine of an audit process with THOUSANDS of moving parts, which was constantly changing, evolving, adapting as time went on. That alone takes a level of genius.'"

But these same Regressive can't grasp the simple fact that the novel (remember that part of the name?) COVID-19 virus keeps mutating. As we learn more about it, we change how we respond to it.

There is a reason today's patients aren't being bled with leeches (other than by their health insurance companies, of course).

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My mom is capable of mimicking a rational, learning person. I’ve got only minimal faith that she will adopt this new character trait for her repertoire. She’s a narcissist. But she does good things. They are just done for bad reasons.

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Sharp blades were essential. Made shaving fun for future generations.

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I read that these adorable little creatures are actually the worst parents. When threatened by a predator, as they flee, they drop their baby to act as a distraction, giving them time to escape. They probably taste amazing.

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I stopped peeing on electric fences after the third one.

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