And this is how "Dynasty" came to be.

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Celibacy or sin...welcome to hell.

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It means Levi Johnston plies Bristol with wine coolers for starters.

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I'd like to say that your reasoning makes at least as much sense as that of Clement and Cooper.

Kind of a backhanded compliment, I know.

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It's hard to know what's more preposterous: the argument itself, which sounds like something editors at <i>The Onion</i> can only wish they'd thought up, or the fact that the GOP is forking over tax dollars to the witless lawyer who did come up with it.

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Kids are supposed to abstain from unplanned pregnancies until after they're married.

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Where would a lawyer learn that "anything that supports our religious superstitions is correct by definition, no matter how idiotic it is"?

Even taking into account the 50% chance that any given graduate will manage to pass the state bar exam, my money would have to be on Dominus Pizza University's <a href="http:\/\/www.motherjones.com\/politics\/2007\/03\/hail-mary" target="_blank"> Ave Maria Law School</a>.

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I saw this story sunday and had to count on my fingers and diagram on paper before I could understand this ridiculous argument. It boils down to " we need to provide an incentive for people who fuck irresponsibly to stay together, and those who plan their fucking and reproduction are just too organized for the good of society" By this logic, any Olds or Impotents have no right to marry. My brain hurts, where's my tumbler of vodka?

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Let's hope Clement's run of <a href="http:\/\/articles.businessinsider.com\/2012-04-05\/politics\/31291902_1_oral-arguments-health-care-case-verrilli" target="_blank">successes</a> continues. Gotta give him style points for deranged barristerial creativity. Gotta take away points for the fact that the goddamn taxpayers are on the <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2013\/01\/15\/doma-republicans_n_2479666.html" target="_blank">hook </a> for this fool's errand. Where are all those thrifty Republicans when you need them?

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These people make my head spin. Is that their strategy?

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In a rational world, this would be a convincing case that they should lose.

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"Children should be punished for having parents that really wanted them"

Nice one, Clement.

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That bride in white - aren't there two folks under the covers there?

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For $1 million a year, I'm pretty sure I could come up with some less flimsy bullshit than that, although I'm not sure the money would be enough to offset the self-hate such work would induce.

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Nothing, but Clement's hope is it might just confuse enough judges to win. The second story today that has caused me to comment on its similarity to the Wookie Defense.

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I'm sure they're <em>paying</em> enough for an actual lawyer.

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