Hey kids, want to have some fun with your average gun fondler/capital punishment enthusiast? Ask him to explain why we should put people to death and listen to all the overly emotional arguments he makes as he appeals to everyone's gut instincts by highlighting the lurid details of a particularly heinous case.

Now play him a clip of Richard Martinez lambasting the NRA and watch him make a complete 180 as he whines and complains about how wrong it is to make such important decisions based upon emotional responses and how the dead kid's dad is a bad person for wallowing in the lurid details of a case just to score political points.

You see, it's perfectly alright to appeal to emotions when it's time to have the state kill an intellectually disabled person, but it's wrong to appeal to emotions if you're the distraught father of a victim and make the mistake of suggesting stricter gun laws... QED

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"Pffftt… like the American Psychological Association knows more about mental health than I, Sammy 'Fuckin Genius 'bout Errthang' Alito knows. Those idjits at the APA even think the homosexxicans are normal people."

Love Me & Nobody Else,


P.S. "You're welcome beetches."

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also too… Thanks for ruining my fond childhood memories of school field days in Florida & using croaker sacks for our races. :(

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Speaking of mental health. Try quell natural desires to go all spider monkey crazy over this: <a href="https://twitter.com/DLoesch..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="https://twitter.com/DLoesch/status/47134269402411...">https://twitter.com/DLoesch... <a href="https://twitter.com/DLoesch..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="https://twitter.com/DLoesch/status/47134279245601...">https://twitter.com/DLoesch...

P.S. I really, really, really loathe Loesch & didn't think I could any more than before I read this.

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Republicans and conservatives lurve the death penalty. Because -- they say with a straight face -- it's pro-life.

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This flashed me to that Mr. Mom scene:

Ron Richardson: Yeah, you gonna make it all 220? Jack Butler: Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.

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USA - the envy of the world.

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Cheer up "Justice" Alito. We also have a fast-track death penalty. No trial. No jury. No IQ or DNA tests. No lawyers. No appeals. We call it Stand Your Ground.

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The United States is one of the 21 countries to carry out the death penalty in 2012. Let's see who are our cohorts in this honor: - Afghanistan (14) - Bangladesh (1) - Belarus (3+) - China (2000+) <b>WOW</b> - Gambia (9) - India (1) - Iran (314+) - Iraq (129+) - Japan (7) - North Korea (6+) - Pakistan (1) - Palestine (6) - Republic of China (6) - Saudi Arabia (79+) - Somalia (6+) - South Sudan (5+) - Sudan (19+) - UAE (1) <b>- USA (43)</b> - Yemen (28+)

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An execution Gap! Cannot let the Chicoms beat us at what we do best.

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<blockquote>We can’t wait for Alito to decide things that involve complex questions of insurance or science or anything that requires the Court to look to guidance from outside the law.</blockquote> Y'mean, like "so-called" global warming?

And <i>everybody</i> on that court's a goddamn monotheist of one stripe or another, mostly Catholic. What part of "Thou shalt not kill" don't they understand?

And one more thing: If Ruth "Bader" Ginsberg retires before 2017, can Barry please appoint Snipy to the court? The opinions'd be so much more fun to read.

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And Yemen calls itself a country. What a joke!

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Rick "Goat Fucker" Perry.

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