We regret to inform you that Samuel Alito is very upset again.
Yes, the babbling airhead who used as few quality legal arguments as he possibly could to destroy bodily and privacy rights for the American people, and who did that on behalf of an entirely illegitimate and stolen Supreme Court composed mostly of partisan hacks you'd never leave your kids alone with, he is very upset again.
Oh no, what is the worthless son of a bitch upset about this time? Same old shit as last time. He's upset nobody is giving him or the Supreme Court the praise and respect he HEREBY DEMANDS. Why aren't we thanking Alito and the Court for hurting us, and asking for more of their holy disciplinary corrections? It is an outrage.
But sure, we'll read his latest comments at the Heritage Foundation like he's said something new, since that's the way he'd like us to read his Court opinions.
Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. said Tuesday that the leak of his draft opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade made his colleagues in the majority on the U.S. Supreme Court “targets for assassination.”
Oh go fuck yourself, you melodramatic nerd.
[The Supreme Court leak of Alito's opinion was a] “grave betrayal of trust by somebody, and it was a shock,” he said. The threat to the justices, he added, was not theoretical because it “gave people a rational reason to think they could prevent that from happening by killing one of us.”
Weird, and here all rational observers are much more inclined to believe the leak was intended to make sure the newer partisan hacks on the Court stayed in line and remained signed on to Alito's little Incel-For-Dummies screed masquerading as a Supreme Court ruling.
Baselessly saying the leaker was trying to get somebody ASSASSINATED is a whole new level of oh why don't you fucking kiss my ass.
When asked about criticism that the court has strayed too far from public sentiment and risks appearing partisan when it overturns precedent, Alito said he has no problem with the public, the media and academics criticizing the court’s legal reasoning in its rulings. But he took issue with those who have questioned the legitimacy of the court.
“To say that the court is exhibiting a lack of integrity is something quite different. That goes to character, not to a disagreement with the result or the reasoning. It goes to character,” Alito said.
Yes, and?
That's exactly what we're saying. This Court deserves no assumption of integrity or character, because it's exhibited none. A number of conservative justices, including those sitting in seats stolen by Republicans, and including the very man bitching right now, have lied in the past about their feelings about Roe v. Wade . Alito told Ted Kennedy in 2005 during his own confirmation that Roe was "settled."
These are not people of character. These are not people of integrity. These people are garbage.
The Washington Post notes that Alito is STILL apparently whining about remarks Justice Elena Kagan made this summer about the legitimacy of the Court, and about times when it appears to simply be an extension of politics. (Which is a nicer way of saying that the current Court is full of unqualified, illegitimate partisan hacks.)
More whining? He's got an endless supply. Cry more:
“Someone also crosses an important line when they say that the court is acting in a way that is illegitimate."
Oh no, Alito's line got crossed again. Somebody should ask the next person who has to cross state lines for emergency abortion care how they feel about Alito's line getting crossed. Maybe during their six-hour ambulance ride.
"I don’t think anybody in a position of authority should make that claim lightly,” Alito said. “That’s not just ordinary criticism. That’s something very different.”
And again we reply: Yes, and?
Alito had a piece of concern trolling to share about the notion of expanding the Court:
“If Congress were to change the size of the court and the public perceived that the reason for changing the size of the court was to influence decisions in future cases,” Alito asked. “What would that do to the public perception of our independence and our legitimacy?”
Oh simmer down, slugger. We'll take our chances.
Stay tuned for the next episode of Samuel Alito bitching and moaning and punching people in the face and then demanding people praise him for his punching prowess, it will be the exact same as the episode we just finished.
[ Washington Post ]
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Sounds like someone struck a nerve!
It is SO refreshing to have a place to go where the fact that we live in a reality which bites can be expressed openly and with complete irreverence to our grand institutions. It will really be over when we can't do it anymore..