In today's world, being the customer of a utility is risk-taking. Being an investor, not so much.

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Let 'em merge with South Wyoming. We could then have three states, only one of which sends teabagging morons to Congress.

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How far is CNN reporting true that Japan is poised to declare a toxic water leak at the Fukushima nuclear plant.?

Solana family dental

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Not true ... so long as they can charge consumers for the power, "free" power is pretty darned attractive to them. Problems are (1) return on capital (see above), i.e., getting some of that sweet socialist subsidy money that teabagger (Solyndraghazi!!!1!) Republitards are all against, and/or making the consumers eat any losses, and (2) environmentalists who don't want the tiniest percentage of hot desert sands to be deprived of their daily irradiation. (Personally, I think the lizards would appreciate having some shade, but what do I know?)

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Utility companies hate that one trick.

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It worked well for Bain Capital . . . this is just a wee bit more obvious.

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“The American utility system works because everybody is in it together,” Edison said. “Everyone shares the benefits and the costs.”

Unless their ratepayers also get dividend checks, that's the most blatant mountain of steaming horseshit ever deposited in public view, in the history of Califormia . . . and that's saying a lot.

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I'm of the opinion that sick people deserve to be made whole, so can taxpayers pay for that, too?

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<i>"How nice would it be to get paid money to horrendously and irretrievably fuck something up?"</i>

Let's ask Dubya how if his government pension comes in the form of a mushroom cloud.

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The investors rely on the invisible fist of the market. I wish I had an invisible fist. Naturally I'd use it only for good.

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When designing nuclear reactors your motto should not be “quantity not quality”.

Great alt text.

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Fuck <i>me</i>. SC Edison has stripped, painted their entire bodies with <strong>Unmitigated Gall</strong>, and are now streaking about demanding folks pay up for the opportunity to witness their handiwork. Piss off Edison. Your fuck up - <i>your</i> loss.

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the main problem with commercial solar is that it does in fact use up precious water resources for cooling (plus, it eats up lots of fragile desert ecosystem). The solar power industry is humming along (so to speak) in the southwest, but much of it is in the area of distributed solar. Of course, the answer from the utility companies now is to "tax the sun" by leveling exorbitant fees on people to sell back power into the grid during the day in order to make it not cost effective.

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Clarence is that you?

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How do we not deserve extinction?

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funny how we all seem to miss out on the "share the benefits' part. The only time they get ball Kumbaya about things is when it's time for us to share with them

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