As part of a mediation deal in his sexual harassment lawsuit, San Diego's creepy harassment Mayor Bob Filner is expected to resign Friday.
on the plus side he&#039;ll have more time to spend at <a href="http:\/\/\/\?tab=link&amp\;id=7395#idc-container" target="_blank">Corey Feldman&#039;s parties</a>
Someone please loosen his forehead so he can blink.
His face looks like one of those evil clowns from a Stephen King novel.
JFC...that picture! I&#039;ve seen rats looking up from the abdominal cavity of road kill display more charm.
So does this mean that this is the last time that his horrifying visage will be assaulting my senses here at my Wonket?
My headline was better
more pink Cadillacs, less pink torpedoes
On to greener pastures Mayor? Girl Scout den leader? Hooters manager? Gynecology school? Wonkette commenter?
Hooters manager? ha! they won&#039;t even let him in the front door
(or the back door also too, so to speak)
Please switch parties Mr. Mayor. I hear the Republicans are looking for old white guys.
Maybe Uncle Bubba Deen&#039;s Oyster House needs a new shift manager?
Hooters is just a little too classy for his type.
When face lifts go wrong&hellip;
blind loyalists are blindly loyal
get over it, S.D. Dems he&#039;s just <strike> not that </strike> way too into you
<i>a stake of holly may also prove necessary</i>
and some burnt sage.
Someone really needs to take those Vice Grips off the back of his scalp
on the plus side he&#039;ll have more time to spend at <a href="http:\/\/\/\?tab=link&amp\;id=7395#idc-container" target="_blank">Corey Feldman&#039;s parties</a>
Someone please loosen his forehead so he can blink.
His face looks like one of those evil clowns from a Stephen King novel.
JFC...that picture! I&#039;ve seen rats looking up from the abdominal cavity of road kill display more charm.
So does this mean that this is the last time that his horrifying visage will be assaulting my senses here at my Wonket?
My headline was better
more pink Cadillacs, less pink torpedoes
On to greener pastures Mayor? Girl Scout den leader? Hooters manager? Gynecology school? Wonkette commenter?
Hooters manager? ha! they won&#039;t even let him in the front door
(or the back door also too, so to speak)
Please switch parties Mr. Mayor. I hear the Republicans are looking for old white guys.
Maybe Uncle Bubba Deen&#039;s Oyster House needs a new shift manager?
Hooters is just a little too classy for his type.
When face lifts go wrong&hellip;
blind loyalists are blindly loyal
get over it, S.D. Dems he&#039;s just <strike> not that </strike> way too into you
<i>a stake of holly may also prove necessary</i>
and some burnt sage.
Someone really needs to take those Vice Grips off the back of his scalp