Yet again YouTube idiots that post wrong things...This is NOT from the Firesign Theatre*, but some 3 women singing that song.THAT IS BULLSHIT, especially as they don't even identify themselves.

Below - the real thing, and not from some pretenders that are fine with stealing the name

*by the way the name of the group was Firesign Theatre, except on their first album when it was spelled with an "er"


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Well, then - here is the Chairman of the Bored...


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Being an influencer is one of the most DISGUSTING things that has happened ever, and a prime reason that the interwebs are ultimately going to destroy us all. It will brring a new generation that is even stupider abd as such will me more likely to vote for RNWJs...

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Ah, so you have a mirror.

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Huh, of all people to say that when you accuse so may people here of being guilty of something that they are not.

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Remember those cigarettes? What was so special about them was--- they had HANDS! I think it must have meant they could hold onto your nose for you, and make it a more carefree smoke.

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Obviously it’s the other way round. As anyone who scrolls the interwebs can tell you, headline writers spend their days trying unsuccessfully to imitate Wonkette.

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While you are correct about the word choice here - galvanize would be a better option than catalyze - there’s no need to call anyone stupid, especially one of the gifted writers here. And if you’d like to fund a copy editor position, I’m sure Editrix would be happy to discuss it.

OTOH, it’s possible the misuse of “catalyze” was from the LA Times. I’m not sure because it’s in parentheses in a block quote. If so, please disregard what I said above, but don’t call me stupid.

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It's quoted. I never call anyone at Wonkette stupid, these are my peeps and any mistakes are just that. An actual newspaper should have someone looking at articles before they go live, but mostly they don't. Sorry that I was raging, the internet does it to me.

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Yeah I’m dumb. Dumb, but not stupid.

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So you decide to post some bullshit yourself. I liked their version of Porgy. I have a spell-checker. Relax, dude - the world has not ended and the internet is still there

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That's kind of an amazing postcard of Mission High School 1912.

Here's Mission High School today:


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The real lesson of the SF School Board Recall (Part 1) is "Rich people can spend enough money to get rid of elected officials they don't like." Among the deep pocketed folks who gave money to the recall is a 95-year-old guy named Arthur Rock, a billionaire who's spent tens of thousands of dollars in school board elections to install officials who won't fight for public education.

This article goes into the finances of the recall committees:


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Yep. Liberals cull their extremists. Conservatives elevate them.

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They may be arrogant enough to try. LOL

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