She was critical to Bush v Gore. She begged her colleagues to vote for Bush so she could retire and care for her husband.

If there is a hell, hope she is burning in it.

With Henry.

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Yeah: "O’Connor would later lament the rightward shift of the court that resulted in many of her majority opinions being “dismantled.” "? Her decision in Bush v. Gore is why everything else that she did got wiped out.

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Pardon Leonard Peltier first, or simultaneously.

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Aren't we dealing with two separate sovereigns here? It's not that two pardons couldn't be coordinated, but it does get significantly harder when you have to convince two or more people to do it.

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(Banned)Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

Joe Biden is President of the United States. That is one one country, last I checked. If Leandro is there on state charges, Newsom would have to do it. Regardless, Leonard Peltier has spent too much of his life locked up.

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You said "simultaneously", and that is what I was talking about.

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That means "at the same time" as I was using it.

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Me, too. So what part of the difficulty of coordinating between two sovereigns was unclear? You seem to be assuming that I was opposed to either pardon or both of them. I was talking about the reality of making them happen, which I assume is your goal. Getting the pardon apparatus of one sovereign moving is hard enough; getting two moving AND moving together is significantly harder. That's why the desire for simultaneity seemed worthy of comment to me.

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Who is the second sovereign to which you keep referring?

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Well, you need to remember that in baseball, succeeding one out of three times by hitting the ball and getting on base makes you an all star. So I guess you could say by making the right decision one out of three times O'Connor was an all star justice.

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Read and learn. (Spoiler alert: she sucked before 2000)


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Don't usually comment, but I am appalled to see apologism for that horrible woman here of all places. She fucking kicked democracy in the balls in Bush v. Gore out of pure political hackery and self interest, and laid the groundwork for its death by strangulation that we've been seeing ever since and may yet kill us all. She is responsible for every one of the horrors of the bush presidency.

And.....hello?? alito is on the court BECAUSE OF HER.

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Thank you! If she was so concerned about the court's rightward trajectory, she shouldn't have given the presidency to Shrub.

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It is all really very sad. She resigned to spend more time with her husband who had dementia. Then W replaced her with Alito, whom she hated, ruled against him in a case in Rhode Island (I think) years ago, about women's agency in regards to their husbands. Her opinion was scathing. She was particularly galled that W chose Alito to replace her. The saddest part is that she left for her husband, but he had fallen in love with someone else at his nursing home. Always hate the Bushes for Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. NEVER FORGET

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She critically undermined democracy to keep Gore out of office. Her legacy is corruption, and if Trump wins, the end of democracy.

Because she could not imagine a raging communist hothead like Al Fucking Gore replacing her. Just cause he won the election.

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It is more complicated than that. She was not the driving force of stopping the recount in 2000. It was a very difficult time for the Supreme Court, a lot of drama about letting the indecision go on. There was this idea on the right that if it continued the country would be in danger. She was pressured to go along with the republican majority for the sake of the country. It was really hard for the court after that decision, there was a lot of anger between them afterwards. Also nobody ever at any time thought of Al Gore as a communist, it wasn't a thing back then

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She took the power she was given and overturned a democratic election.

Fuck her feelings.

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In Bush v Gore, she ignored her career's worth of conservative jurisprudence regarding states' rights, and voted to stop the Florida recount, which was entirely a state matter.

Funny how conservatives drop the trou of their Sincerely Held Beliefs © ® ™ for political expediency at every turn.

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Excuse me, how dare you forget Frances Sternhagen. O'Connor (who, no sarcasm, I thought died years ago) starts another trio of celebrity deaths, so watch out *checks dead pool list* Iris Apfel and Norman Lear!

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Not Iris Apfel! Not yet!

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Not Iris Appel! Not yet!

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Nope. Wrap your head around a Bush administration or a Gore administration. Gore already recognized climate warming. Bush used an attack on the United States to start a war for oil. I can't imagine a choice more stark. Or what a setback for the earth her choice was. Whether she understood that or not, she chose Bush because she was for GOP before country. Nope. Nope. Nope.

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I think 9/11 might not have happened if Gore had been in office. He at least would have taken the security threat seriously.

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I still pine for the timeline where the evening news on September 11, 2001 led off with mixed reactions on Capitol Hill to President Gore's climate proposals, segued to New York for coverage of the mayoral primary, and mentioned the trial of some Islamists accused of trying to learn how to fly planes but not land them as part of a hare-brained terrorist scheme, before finishing with the latest on the Chandra Levy disappearance.

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They tried under Clinton so he put all the airports on alert.

Of course he was mocked when like a dozen people were arrested.

As he was when he bombed bin Laden's chemical/biological weapons facility in the Sudan.

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That's the way the grownups remember her.

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Gore also recognized the threat Al-Qaeda posed and would have done something to forestall it. 9/11 might never have happened if he had become President. But then again I wouldn’t have wanted to have a beer with him, so ...

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She had the opportunity to save our great nation, but she chose to side with the loser of the popular vote, and hand the reins of government to her own party, over Gore, who actually won. I cannot forgive her for that, not because I'm unforgiving, but because she was consistently against the people of the United States. And she never apologized for the harm she had done, together with all the R men on the bench. I expect more from Women, rightly or wrongly, I do. She'd be right at home on this SCOTUS.

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Bush v. Gore: The decision that may have doomed the planet. (Not to mention might have avoided 9/11)

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She was as evil as any other GOP.

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Please do not count a Pogue in the threesome. I hold out hope that Grimmy will grab someone better with his claw.

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There were 150,000 deaths in that time period, I'm confident Grimmy grabbed some awful person who was less well known to us.

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From Wikipedia: "On December 12, 2000, The Wall Street Journal reported that O'Connor was reluctant to retire with a Democrat in the presidency: "At an Election Night party at the Washington, D.C., home of Mary Ann Stoessel, widow of former Ambassador Walter Stoessel, the justice's husband, John O'Connor, mentioned to others her desire to step down, according to three witnesses. But Mr. O'Connor said his wife would be reluctant to retire if a Democrat were in the White House and would choose her replacement. Justice O'Connor declined to comment."[88]

So she votes accordingly in Bush v Gore (published earlier that same day) and we get stuck with Bush and everything that he does afterwards because she didn't want Gore appointing her replacement.

Thanks a bunch, Sandra.

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She may not have been a wise and thoughtful Jurist all the time; but she at least tried to be fair in her voting on the bench...

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As the Jedi said, "Do, or do not. There is no try."

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As I said elsewhere, I already thought she was dead.


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Remember when she beat Bobby Riggs at tennis? Good times. She really knew how to control the court in those days.

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