It’s even worse than that. They think they’ll exhume their gun in the face of governmental tyranny, and assert their rights as citizens. Against the government.

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That doesn’t measure mass shootings. That measures intentional homicide:

“Definition: Intentional homicides are estimates of unlawful homicides purposely inflicted as a result of domestic disputes, interpersonal violence, violent conflicts over land resources, intergang violence over turf or control, and predatory violence and killing by armed groups. Intentional homicide does not include all intentional killing; the difference is usually in the organization of the killing.”

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Chicago is right next to two open carry, concealed without permit states. But sure, gun control in Illinois is the problem...


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What a heartless Turd you are.Judas at least had a purpose in life. You? Not so much.WHERE IS THE BANNHAMMER OF DOOM WHEN WE NEED IT ON WONKETTE!?

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They don't want to be a moment of silence-They don't want to fill an early grave.When they're walking down the hallThey don't want to be brave.They just want to feel SAFE.


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Not gonna lie, I cried my ass off when I saw this. I work in public education and I know that there are kids who want to talk about things like school shootings, gun violence and suicide, but we don't have that conversation in this district. It's like, not telling kids about sex thinking that they won't do it if they don't know about it.

And how well does that work?

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Yep, that's what left me in tears.

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What is an "actual physio"?

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They'd have to put down their phones first.

Around here I don't think they'll hire you for a custodian if you can't clean with a phone tucked under the chin.

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Go fornicate with yourself. As a single parent of two boys, I can report that they are both married men with full time jobs, who didn't go to prison and have never shot anyone. I really, REALLY get annoyed by that reference.

Oh and I realize you meant someone other than me, a white middle class woman. You meant them, didn't ya? Yeah your "fatherless homes' comment is not very thinly veiled racism.

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They're not bastards, not that I owe you any kind of fucking explanation.

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Now if you just had a soul...

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Gosh, that would be scary!!! And what a violation of your civil liberties! Except for you’re wrong.

You have never read the requirements for confiscation under various red flag laws. They all begin with credible threat - not gossip- and end with either judicial or LE review. Your anecdotes about lying liars are pure fiction.


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Worse yet- if it cannot distinguish between a fingertip (or stylus) and the stimulus of the cloth of your shirt pocket, or brushing against whatever else is in your bag, purse, whatever, then it should be taken back to the drawing board. How many butt-dialed calls have we ALL gotten? And WHY?

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No statistics are kept on the family upbringing of prisoners, so either your data is severely out-of-date, or made up of whole cloth. That said, the idea that the welfare state - and I don't disagree that incentives to have more children would need reform - would be more responsible for single-parent homes than mass incarceration tinged by racism is dubious. You saying "fact" in all caps doesn't make your argument more plausible. But you're not really arguing in good faith, are you- you have a belief that was formed by some dingy forum somewhere and nothing will shake you from it, because you believe in your heart that it's true.

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The mind of the viewer is often enough.

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