Didn't want to be crude.

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Hot chicks tend to be less submissive. And, of course, I'm referring to submissive in a Hand Maiden way, rather than a fun-consensual way.

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But you know that dead or maimed women make the BEST mothers!

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One word:

<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=rkRIbUT6u7Q" target="_blank">Money</a>

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Babies produced by rape are important lives, too.

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I'm unconvinced of the desirability of an easy, lubricated entry. Although, I guess he could get an epidural (one not paid for by socialist medical insurance).

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Note, I would vote for your non-tweeted dick before Santorum.

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Sheesh, this just brings out the unpleasant in my normally Suzie-Sunshine demeanor. All I can think is that I'd like to collect a few Big Gulps full of santorum and make Santorum drink it while watching abortions. Might stick him in a prom dress, too, just for giggles.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2011\/US\/06\/02\/georgia.immigration.farm.workers\/index.html\?hpt=hp_t2" target="_blank">Too late</a>

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I don't know how the press keeps getting quotes from that stuff.

You have to realize that has to be one massively infested anus that is able to dribble out santorum that is actually sentient enough to vocalize things.

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Likely for humiliation purposes.

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He'll probably send it off to school. Naw, scratch that. They'll probably home school Lil' Pickles.

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"Back to the Alley" covers it.

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A new low in GOP douchebaggery. Let's see which candidate tops (or bottoms) it.

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He thinks he's hurting her.

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You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool Mom. She's pretty nice, and she's pretty smart.

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