I'd work for Walmart before I'd work for Trump.

And I'd have be in danger of acute starvation before I'd work for Walmart.

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You are forgetting the greed and treason.

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She'll always have a job grifting for Jeebus at her daddy's "ministry."

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He was squinting and couldn't see what he was doing.

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I really like that down-ticket Republican candidates who can't afford Trump and the other big leaguers have to settle for the likes of Spicer, Priebus, and the Mooch for their fundraisers. Daddy doesn't like them at all. Ain't that a kick in the teeth.

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Weren't all the descendants of Cain drowned in the Flood?

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Yes, that was a very good point. The old term "patronage system" seems applicable.

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No idea what you mean. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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The people who see my blinker, and speed up just enough to block me, and those who do not use them at all then get angry at me for driving in the lane they want to be in.

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The santorum doesn't squirt far from the anus.

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Responding to is not the same as answering, but to your point, I agree that she'd be quite good at the position.

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My guess is that they figured the double dose of wall-eyed genes would cancel each other out in the children.

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What the everluvvin FUCK is a "Special Councel"?

"I won't settle this case!" REALLY? Like you think this is some kind of little civil suit?

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Yes, we know that Republicans really like to obey the LAW sometimes.

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But I think the press will be quick to become unapologetic about handing him his own asshole in a lunch bag. Witness Cuomo's (or was it Tapper's?) hot mic takedown of the little shit after he was on his show.

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Someone take that poor woman off the TV. The only thing anybody ever does when she's talking is wonder how she functions with a face like that. Nobody ever listens to her. They're too busy staring.

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