Sarah, sweetie, you are bad at 'Everything.'

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Thanks, shivas. I have a problem with them, too, and I've been appalled by the way their political power has increased over the last 30 years. The problem is keen for me as ignorant white fundies predominate in my community and in my family. I made attempts to reach some of them by putting them on the newsletter list for a couple of those places I sent you the links for, and they acted like I'd farted at the dinner table. Anything you can do to undermine the deference shown them is fine by me.

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The thing is, I've not been Christian for most of my life - but I do feel a lot for progressive faith communities too, and oddly enough, my politics and theirs often mesh -better- than with some fellow "nones", who seem to have embraced the worst of the worst, from Ayn Rand on down to Milo - not like there's a bottom to _that_ well of depravity..

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How many women will die from illegal abortions so that Sarah Huckabee Sanders and people like her can feel all righteous when they call themselves pro-life?

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"Ceptin' dawgs, o' course." (And no, I'm not letting that go.)

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Finally got to the links you sent. Very good.

Just so you understand, I don;t really have a problem with Christianity. I have a problem with American White Evangelical Christianity. I also have a problem with the deference they are shown in public and politics in this country.

But again, I am an outsider to Christianity. Whatever faith I had left was burned out me a long time ago. Fixing the Christian part the White Evangelicals is up to other Christians. All I can do is try to make society as whole stop treating them with deference because of some supposed moral superiority.

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9 out of, OK 8... well maybe 7 out of 10 of our fellow citizens are decent, helpful people who would do whatever they could to keep trouble from their neighbor's door. I'd like to think so, anyway. Organized religion, on the other hand, has a lot to answer for.

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So for Sarah, being a Christian is just a part-time gig. I guess the old joke is true - working for the Lord doesn't pay much.

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I would gladly get escorted out of the white house if I could sit in on one press briefing where I would just hold up a card that said LIE! every time she said one. My only worry would be my arm would wear out.

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If golf is a religion, every goddam Sunday.

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No matter what part of a person's character you believe to be influenced by nature and what part by nurture, you have to admit that the spawn of Huckabee are certain to be dreadful shits.

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Just curious. When was the last time the Cheeto-in-Chief was reported as attending Sunday services?

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Gandhi is quoted as saying, "I like your Christ, but not your Christians". Think I'll work this up in a sampler and send it to Sarah to hang in her "Not church" office. She probably doesn't get a lot of gifts.

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I bought a gen-u-wine Lincoln head obol. Not authentic?

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And that's not even counting the serial killers he released who executed people extra-judicially.

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You may want to look at the Free Presbyterian Church in Northern Ireland and the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa.

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