If I didn't like my screen name so much, I've got a good idea of what Id change it to.

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Thin-skinned? Who the fuck is thin-skinned?

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Hey, let's go back to settling disputes with dueling pistols.

Palin & Andrew Sullivan first.

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Fuck this bitch.

Wait....guys....I didn't mean for you to <i>form a line</i>! Geez, you horndogs.

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you know what just sunk in - just now? i'm going to have to hear that shreiky self satisfied vapid celebutard all over the news cycle all over AGAIN.


this country is like 'no exit' only we're stuck with dracula's harpy bride who shrieks like the nazgul.*

*sorry for all the mixed references but i'm not thinking clearly.

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I'm not going to form a considered opinion about this until I read what Meghan McCans has to say about it.

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The Tucson shooting shone an unflattering light on the behavior of Sarah Palin and many others who thought it was fun to use the language of revolution to rally the angry Tea Party conservatives. Language that included cross-hairs, Second Amendment remedies, WWII analogies (including Obama/Hitler imagery).

Man up Sarah. Once the shooting started, collateral damage was inevitable.

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Wow. Is it possible that "Tucson" was the hidden message in the cryptic Tweet?


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SOMEBODY didn't get an "A" in acting class at <strikethrough>University of Hawaii</strikethrough> <strikethrough>Hawaiian Pacific University</strikethrough> <strikethrough>North Idaho College </strikethrough> <strikethrough>Matanuska-Susitna College </strikethrough> University of Idaho.

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The nerd is right, you know.

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they're so effective these trolls: spend the morning reducing a completely arbitrary 'p score' on a snarky left leaning political blog.

good thing they aren't, oh i don't know, out campaigning for their beleagured snow princess.

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+1 from me just for introducing me to the term "Alaskan Thunderfuck."

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But enough about me. Let's talk about you. What do you think of me?

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"Tundratard?" Watch it - that's hitting pretty close to home...

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"Innocents," of course, being a dog whistle for the anti-womens' rights crowd.

Speaking of which, why are the right wing nutz opposed to gay marriage and abortion? I know several gay couples (one set is about to have a baby) and to the best of my knowledge gay couples are 100% abortion-free.

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Liberals are the real hypocrites because they preach tolerance, but are intolerant of intolerance dontchaknow.

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