Nope Bob, I didn't defend any of them. You might not be able to understand this (!) but I was just being critical of your simple use of a placeholder like BYRD to represent every Democrat -- as if that guy stood for anything other than who he is. Or WAS. He's dead now. You knew that, right?

But hey, you're into that broad-brushin' thing, then? So, I have to ask -- how many diaper-whores do you visit, Mr. Vitter Junior? (in case you don't get it, I'm automatically equating YOU with a bad example from your party, which is exactly what YOU did with Byrd. See how it works? Of course you don't. You're welcome!)

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Walk on past the part of my post that showed -- WITH YOUR OWN LINK -- that you were mistaken. Lo and behold! A confused conservatard doesn't comprehend!?! Color me shocked.

Shorter: Dude, Snopes doesn't say what you think it says.

Maybe you think you can shout enough about the "bigotry" part of my comment, to completely erase the fact that your own link says you're cherry-picking quotes out of context, or making them up out of nowhere. SHOUT! LOUDER! IT! IS! OUTRAGE!

But sure, Bob, why don't we make a deal?

I'll call my own self a scumbag lowlife... as soon as you ask your black stepdad what he thinks of people who cherry-pick Obama's quotes out of context, or make them up, in order to rile up racists, magically allowing the racists to <i>justify their own racism.</i>

Ask him that, and be sure to point out who was doing that. Big Unmistakeable (even to a Conservatard) Hint: <b>IT IS YOU.</b>

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I know I can't shame you by pointing out your incorrectness, because, you know, <i>shamelessness.</i> But the following comes directly from your link... Wait, let me put it in a short all-caps soundbite so maybe it will resonate in your hardened, sealed conservatard head-area:


<blockquote>The above-quoted e-mail forward reproduces passages taken from Barack Obama's two books ... with the presumed intent of presenting Obama as a self-declared racist.

<b>However, these cherry-picked statements are all presented devoid of context, and some of them are reworded from the original (or apparently non-existent).</b></blockquote>

Go on, with your shameless bad self! Keep rockin' the old skool bigotry! Context and comprehension? Thems is for them fuckin' eleeetists! <i>(That's me acting like you, in case your brain damage left your ability to understand satire or irony atrophied -- you're welcome!)</i>

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Well, that certainly is a nice sentiment, Bob.

Enjoy your lovely cromagnon lifestyle, dinosaurman! I can't wait until your stuffed body is eventually erected in a museum, displaying the amazing oddities of the conservaturd era for children to gawp at.

Though I do believe in accuracy, hopefully standards of taste will prevent them creating a display of you masturbating into your own mouth. Children don't need to see that.

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and then macbeth taunted macduff and got beheaded.

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Judging by that photo Sarah should follow Bristol's lead and get a 'medically necessary' procedure to reduce her second chin.

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Don't you know, as a wingtard, you can just shout out your magical talisman words, like "ROBERTBYRD!" or "CHAPPAQUIDICK!" and it magically erases any points made by anyone arguing against you, year after year, even when situations, or centuries change.

It's a wonderful time to be a parrot! Breitbart has crackers!

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seriously, she looks terrible. did somebody stab the picture in her closet or something?

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Businesses across America every day of the week?

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I'd love to see Newton spend even 15 minutes telling the truth. I'd pay to see that. It'll never happen, though.

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and - key point - then she would GO AWAY.

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"Republicans: Triumph of the Won't."

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He hangs around Redstate and NotsoBreitbart, wearing his pee like a badge of honor.

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oh so very well said.

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If Sarah Palin™ is offended by racist speech, she better not listen to Dr Laura Schlessinger ... or what Schlessinger's apologists say afterwords. <a href="http://articles.nydailynews..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://articles.nydailynews.com/2010-08-19/news/2...">http://articles.nydailynews...

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James T. Kirk?

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