Sarah Palin is so darn mad at that terrible Paul Ryan for not immediately bowing to Donald Trump that she vowed she will work tirelessly to elect his opponent in the Wisconsin primary, at least until she's distracted by a shiny glimmering object and she quits.
SarahPAC AKA 'The Cash Register' doesn't have any info about this endorsement but does mention her political gravitas:An internationally sought speaker and conservative leader, Palin is an influential force in the national debate. Her endorsement and support from her political action committee, SarahPAC, remain the gold standard for conservative candidates every election cycle.
Other than when she got pranked into thinking she was talking with Sarkozi by some Canadian DJs, when has Grifter Barbie ever been asked to speak internationally?
Hey remember when Dukakis posed while riding in a tank and everyone mocked him so bad for contrived pandering machismo that it ended up being his dowfall? Apparently I'm the only one who does.
The guy doesn't have to win. All he has to do is be a distraction. The same immigration argument that was made against Cantor can be made against Ryan. His opponent needs to get on the stump everywhere screaming about immigration. If the screaming monkeys come out in force in a year when Trump has vilified foreigners then there might actually being a chance. Cantor didn't even campaign. Ryan better.
It's called Valley Trash up here. The mat-su valley is a gigantic bastion of meth and feral children. What is really tragic is that she wasn't always so bat-shit crazy. My friend has been her husband's friend (was even texting with him at the RNC) since they were kids, so he's known the family forever. He said that she was pretty nice and normal until she got into politics. Money and power changes people.
As if we didn't already know the GOP is not going to last much longer than a jellyfish washed ashore, the fact that the Quitta from Wasilla is still a thing pretty much clinches it.
Any idea of the baby's name yet? Lucky, Finish Line, Not Again, or Oops?
I am puttin dollars on either Truck or Trapp
SarahPAC AKA 'The Cash Register' doesn't have any info about this endorsement but does mention her political gravitas:An internationally sought speaker and conservative leader, Palin is an influential force in the national debate. Her endorsement and support from her political action committee, SarahPAC, remain the gold standard for conservative candidates every election cycle.
Other than when she got pranked into thinking she was talking with Sarkozi by some Canadian DJs, when has Grifter Barbie ever been asked to speak internationally?
If she can see Russia from her house I guess she can shout at 'em.
Lump or Bump?
Hey remember when Dukakis posed while riding in a tank and everyone mocked him so bad for contrived pandering machismo that it ended up being his dowfall? Apparently I'm the only one who does.
I vote for lil' "Abstinence Palin" ot sounds "exotic" but in an "All-American" way
Palin is a "can't"? Well I guess that does describe her general success rate...
Ok, Wonkette, now let's showcase the real challenger, and stop posting pics of Todd's mid-life crisis.
That's GOPWT logic, he's a business man, he makes things and creates jobs. He never shows us what he makes. Maybe temporary tatoos?
I laughed so hard at " Barstool " my eyeballs are bleeding. Pure genius. Lol
Palin on Paul Ryan: " ....for him to already come out and say....." That's where I had to stop watching. This woman's ignorance knows no bounds.
The guy doesn't have to win. All he has to do is be a distraction. The same immigration argument that was made against Cantor can be made against Ryan. His opponent needs to get on the stump everywhere screaming about immigration. If the screaming monkeys come out in force in a year when Trump has vilified foreigners then there might actually being a chance. Cantor didn't even campaign. Ryan better.
It's called Valley Trash up here. The mat-su valley is a gigantic bastion of meth and feral children. What is really tragic is that she wasn't always so bat-shit crazy. My friend has been her husband's friend (was even texting with him at the RNC) since they were kids, so he's known the family forever. He said that she was pretty nice and normal until she got into politics. Money and power changes people.
As if we didn't already know the GOP is not going to last much longer than a jellyfish washed ashore, the fact that the Quitta from Wasilla is still a thing pretty much clinches it.