Time loves a hero

Her? Not so much...

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she does seem a bit cranky these days

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Sarah will continue to get the popular vote in several states with total populations below that of Columbus, Ohio. That is the definition of Real America; she is welcome to them and to that name.

The rest of us, including the bulk of farmers, who live in normal, reasonable states, will be happy to stick with United States of America as our name.

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she's waiting for his bare chest to fly her way

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in all fairness, she might be cheaper than commercial fertilizer, even with the Gulfstream and the bendy straws. If you have a big enough farm, just let her keep talking and eventually it becomes cost effective

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I try to avoid the hookers in overalls

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That picture NEVER grows old!

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Palin got the biggest applause when she said, “I would argue what farmers need most is for politicians to butt out and just leave them alone.”

Seriously? I guess they don't need all that Gubmint money then?

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I heard that her new job was grinding turkeys...?

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Haven't those royalties from "Alien vs. Predator" run out yet?

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Yep. I was going to blather on about how what starts as a arguably-virtuous attempt to support food self-sufficiency evolves into a (metaphorical) pork delivery program.

In Italy you have to have a government license to "produce" milk from your cows. The licenses are very valuable and—in an insanely ironic twist—can be bought and sold independently of the cows themselves.

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We have a quota system here in Ontario too. Complete with a quota exchange to buy and sell. It's not by the cow- it's by kilogram of milk produced.

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She can experience a complete absence of government interference. There are plenty of ice flows she could move onto with her grifty family and cut them loose onto the Great Unregulated Sea.

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Why is it when Sarah talks about sweet and meat I just cant get the picture of Glenn Rice pounding her ass into the middle of next week out of my head,I really need to see a doctor about that but on a positive note it was just regular Sarah dumbassery and not some of that let me be stupider than the last asshat to speak madness that is all too common with the fucksticks today

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Yeah, get the danged gubmint out of the way of the farmers! Except of course for the crop subsidies. And the highways to move the crops to the loading docks by the river. And the Corps of Engineers who keep the crops moving down the rivers. And the port facilities. Except for all that stuff, the gubmint is too damn big.

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