If twats ever want to be touched by me again, they will distance themselves from any comparisons to the Half-Term Wonder.

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Shrill harriden is shrill.

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<blockquote>Palin’s no quitter</blockquote>

Hahahahahahahaha that's a good one!

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He couldn't possibly have anything less interesting to say.

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Ah, how I have missed her snowbilly wisdumb.

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All of the subtlety and nuance that we have come to expect from our Tundra Princess

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If God was in charge of Iraq, and Allah was in charge of Syria, things aren't looking so well for God on the scoreboard...

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Yes. And it was, in large part, much as you imagine. Rome was littered with graffiti depicting penises alongside the names of prominent politicians, especially around campaign time.

Don't buy the hype, we have ALWAYS been this nasty to each other, particularly when we vie against each other for power. Mudslinging and dirty campaigns are nothing new.

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Somebody needs a snarky hug.

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We should take her health care expertise seriously because she can see Obamacare from her house.

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Does anyone else wish she had forgotten the last half of the last word of her tweet, thus warranting a visit by the Secret Service?

And they catch her unawares, so Todd doesn't have time to flush the meth?

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Um... I proposed at a restaurant. No props. No frills. No excitement. No plans. No fanfare.

In retrospect, my proposal foreshadowed my marriage...

(Great, now I am fully aware of how un-fabulous I am.)

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