Somewhat OT, but for an eye-opening introduction to one of the finest daughters on the planet, <a href="http:\/\/\/2013\/10\/15\/234730460\/malala-yousafzai-a-normal-yet-powerful-girl" target="_blank">have a listen to this. </a>
Nothing you&#039;ve read about this kid will prepare you for the reality. Jon Stewart is a lousy interviewer, also.
&quot;Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.&quot;
Fundies, teabaggers and sundry other ignorami are a permanent carbuncle on the ass of democracy. What gives them power - and what pisses me off to no end - are the millions of apathetic, lazy fucks who don&#039;t bother to vote, sticking us with the government <i>they</i> deserve.
Well, let&#039;s see... then they impeach OHJB for being an accessory, then, why, shouldn&#039;t it go to the first person to lose to Obama in a presidential election... oh wait, NO, the first person to be SECOND on the ticket that lost to Obama... yeah, that&#039;s right!
Quite the opposite.
Putting the &quot;logic&quot; in syllogi... oh wait, she can&#039;t. I doubt that she knows this.
Somewhat OT, but for an eye-opening introduction to one of the finest daughters on the planet, <a href="http:\/\/\/2013\/10\/15\/234730460\/malala-yousafzai-a-normal-yet-powerful-girl" target="_blank">have a listen to this. </a>
Nothing you&#039;ve read about this kid will prepare you for the reality. Jon Stewart is a lousy interviewer, also.
&quot;Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.&quot;
Fundies, teabaggers and sundry other ignorami are a permanent carbuncle on the ass of democracy. What gives them power - and what pisses me off to no end - are the millions of apathetic, lazy fucks who don&#039;t bother to vote, sticking us with the government <i>they</i> deserve.
Always, <b>always</b> write the concession speech.
Appeal Bush v Gore. Alito and Roberts would have to recuse themselves as Dubya&#039;s appointees. After that the arithmetic is easy.
A new conjecture?
Fortunately we have a 25th Amendment.
No, rats can&#039;t be trapped this easily. You&#039;re trapped like carrots.
Some levity may be in order, but no earlier than 2019. Any closer than that will be too soon.
Your analogy proves Sarah Palin&trade; is a terrible mom.
Well, let&#039;s see... then they impeach OHJB for being an accessory, then, why, shouldn&#039;t it go to the first person to lose to Obama in a presidential election... oh wait, NO, the first person to be SECOND on the ticket that lost to Obama... yeah, that&#039;s right!
...2016 is going to be an epic cluster fukk!
I had no idea Palin wanted Joe Biden to be president this badly.
The grifter has got the goods but inpeach is so new wave like we got to inwatermelon to make it official old school like
She could probably make money by picking up a good set of binoculars and charging people to see Russia from her porch.
(Yes, I know Tina Fey said that, not Sarah. Why should I bother with the facts when Sarah doesn&#039;t?)