And it's really, really hard work denying the reality all around you in order to stay with your pet theory.

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OK, there is something that might conceivably be called "rock running". How old is Sarah? And where is she known to do this training?


Edit for Fartknocker:See picture 10 of 26 in this gallery, Grouse Grind, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

More info.http://www.trailpeak.com/tr...

From Runners World, Sarah Palin 2009, age 45.


Has running gotten harder as you've gotten older? For me it's getting harder just because my life is much busier. But physically I go through stages of having some bum knees and then the knees will heal up if I ratchet back a bit on the miles and maybe do the elliptical for a few weeks. I have a really bum ankle from a high school basketball injury. It still swells and gives me some grief, and the older I get, the worse it feels. I don't know if I attribute it to age or having five kids. That takes a little bit of a toll on one's body, too.

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God love them.

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Regardless of how Mrs. Palin sustained the injury, I wish her a speedy recovery.

More interesting to me, though, is the nurse's choice of shirt. I'm surprised someone in that profession would go with, "This already looks like it's covered in blood and vomit, might as well start my shift the same way I'll end it."

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I think maybe the rocks referred to were in the drink.

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You'd have to be a Republican to cast a vote against John McCain today. This was only a primary and we can only vote the party we're registered with. McCain had three opponents, chief among them Chemtrail Kelli Ward but he beat them all. Ann Kirkpatrick was the only candidate for senate on the Democratic ballot. Now she might give him an actual run for Cindy's money since people CAN cross-party vote in the general election. Plus, we have vote-by-mail in Arizona, so far more than half of voters don't even go to the polls on election day any more.

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Who posts pictures of their boo-boos? Desperately needy people like Sarah and everyone in the nation under the age of 30.

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Thank the baby Jesus she's OK.For a minute there I thought she may suffer from amnisia.and learned words that made a coherent sentence.Now that would have been a loss to our entertainment.

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Remember the Sarah Palin "blood libel" speech? That was January 12, 2011. I remember the rock fireplace, said to be in her living room in Wasilla.


Now look at the rock fireplace in the injured forehead picture. And is that an American blue star service flag on the floor? And a triangular-folded Stars and Stripes?

And yet Fartknocker indicates the clinic photos were taken in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Any way to determine dates of these photos?

The science behind the color changes of bruises. At first I thought the injuries might be in different stages of healing, but i think it is likely the discoloration near the two cuts is from Betadine.https://m.youtube.com/watch...

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Bristol is left-handed...

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At the risk of venturing into tin-foil hat territory, Sarah, honey, are you sure you want to go with "I ran into a rock"?I mean, I've no doubt something hit you, that black eye is fierce....but you expect us to believe that a grandmother running in the woods somehow fell face-first into a rock and walked away with two clean cuts and no abrasions or dirt on her face, hands or hair, even in the 'unwashed' photo?I'm not even going to touch the pathetic attempt to use your 'accident' to take a swipe at Hillary, cause that's just bog-standard Palinade, bless your heart... But seriously, if you walked into my office with that story I'd be asking some real pointed questions about your home life.

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Socialised Medicine, what ever happened to principles?

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No, none was hurt, but several were forcibly propelled from their natural place in the world and several had human bodily fluids spilled on them. The rocks, while not litigious, were decidedly unhappy and request an apology at the very least.

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I'm glad she's OK and will get well soon. Let this be known as the day Sarah Palin briefly had figurative AND literal rocks in her head

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I tripped and bonked my head real hard. Please send Moar Monies to SarahPac. For Murica and Jeezuz. #HillaryBenghazi!!!

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