Jillian Assange, for those who may have forgotten, is under active investigation for espionage by the US government. Yes, he is the founder, and CEO, of WikiLeaks, who published classified US government documents provided him by Chelsea Manning and Eric Snowden. In addition to these two, he can count President-elect Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and many conservative Republicans in Congress as his new best friends. Assange allegedly hacked both the Department of Defense and the US Navy, along with NSA and a virtual who's who of many major US corporations, including Boeing. Since Trump apparently listens to, and trusts, Assange, who began his career as a college educated computer programmer, it is not surprising that Trump does not trust the reports of the CIA, the FBI and likely NSA regarding Russia's alleged involvement in hacking computer systems that are tied to the US presidential election. After all, it is these 3 agencies, plus apparently others, that believe Assange is guilty of espionage. Trump quietly defends Assange, as the two use the same business manual when it comes to getting wealthy by throwing away the traditional approach of honesty and hard work. Your move Spy Lords.
Well lets see, every King's court needs a jester, and Sarah would be ideal for the job- so we have King Donald, the Billionaire Knights of the Round table Cabinet, and now the jester's job can be filled!
Pretty sad commentary for America when the word salad Facebook posts of a quitter Governor from 2008 carry the same import as the musings of a sitting US Senator.
On the good side a mediterranean diet is proven to extend life. On the bad side those extra years will be spent in the dystopian hellscape Trump will shape.
I'm sure Russia would not think of delivering those documents to Wikileaks through a second set of hands. Plausible deniability is a pretty arcane concept after all.
If the RNC E-mails are ever leaked (which won't happen so long as Assange and Putin are besties with Trump) you can bet that Palin and all the other supporters will be calling for Assange's head.
I third that!
Jillian Assange, for those who may have forgotten, is under active investigation for espionage by the US government. Yes, he is the founder, and CEO, of WikiLeaks, who published classified US government documents provided him by Chelsea Manning and Eric Snowden. In addition to these two, he can count President-elect Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and many conservative Republicans in Congress as his new best friends. Assange allegedly hacked both the Department of Defense and the US Navy, along with NSA and a virtual who's who of many major US corporations, including Boeing. Since Trump apparently listens to, and trusts, Assange, who began his career as a college educated computer programmer, it is not surprising that Trump does not trust the reports of the CIA, the FBI and likely NSA regarding Russia's alleged involvement in hacking computer systems that are tied to the US presidential election. After all, it is these 3 agencies, plus apparently others, that believe Assange is guilty of espionage. Trump quietly defends Assange, as the two use the same business manual when it comes to getting wealthy by throwing away the traditional approach of honesty and hard work. Your move Spy Lords.
Sarah who?
Well lets see, every King's court needs a jester, and Sarah would be ideal for the job- so we have King Donald, the Billionaire Knights of the Round table Cabinet, and now the jester's job can be filled!
That's a saucy comment, for sure.
Proving once and for all that Tom Cotton is a partisan "stopped clock"; whereas, Palin is almost always wrong when she sets her mind to anything.
Her moose chili recipe reads like a list of pizza ingredients, doesn't even have moose.
Pretty sad commentary for America when the word salad Facebook posts of a quitter Governor from 2008 carry the same import as the musings of a sitting US Senator.
On the good side a mediterranean diet is proven to extend life. On the bad side those extra years will be spent in the dystopian hellscape Trump will shape.
The words, 'beard', 'chin' and 'issue' used together are disturbing, because some of us here have filthy minds.
I'm sure Russia would not think of delivering those documents to Wikileaks through a second set of hands. Plausible deniability is a pretty arcane concept after all.
If the RNC E-mails are ever leaked (which won't happen so long as Assange and Putin are besties with Trump) you can bet that Palin and all the other supporters will be calling for Assange's head.
Speaking of cotton boner ...
If you listen closely, you can hear the marble rolling around in her brain pan.
Tom Cotton hard at work being a dope!
PIZZA? What is she hiding, hmm?