Not not Sarah's not writings. Coherent, complete sentences, even if the subject matter is complete ridiculousness, are not her "style."

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"What in the wide, wide world of sports is a-goin' on here?"

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Well okay not school boards. All the more money to spend on Hou$e di$trict$!

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I see a new path to financial viability for our beloved Editrix and her website of japery!

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Just a technical correction: The "Tea Party version of the Wall Street Journal editorial page" <i>is</i> the Wall Street Journal editorial page.

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Too late for Cocktober.

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I thought cuntundra is busy with her new tee-vee show that's supposed to air it's first show tomorrow night on the Sportsman Channel. She probably wrote that word salad while getting her tits fluffed up for the upcoming puffin hunting episode.

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(a) spending hours on the tanning bed; (b) spray tanning; or (c) working on a case of melanoma that Future Ryan-Style Medicare probably won't cover

...while the country is in <i>ruins!</i>

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Five colleges and she can't compose a SIMPLE sentence?

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Time to move to Stephen Harper Land? But why?

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My thanks to Wonkette for reminding me of this photo of Paul Ryan. I had it filed away - under Douche Bag.

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Who'd a thunk two years ago that Ryan would be in the moderate wing of the Republican Party?

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OT, but man it feels good to enjoy our enhanced liberty now that the Supreme Court has <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2014\/04\/03\/us\/politics\/supreme-court-ruling-on-campaign-contributions.html\?ref=us&amp\;_r=0" target="_blank">struck down</a> aggregate limits on campaign contributions in federal elections. This should probably be named the "Koch Brothers Ruling," since it will allow them to shower contributions on every school board election from sea to rising sea.

Free at la$t, great God almighty we're free at la$t!!!!1!1!

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So we jack up defense spending, and pay for it by making oldz and poorz suffer even more, while gutting education.

In other words, he wants to create a generation of conscripts who are pliable enough or desparate enough to enlist in whatever fever dream of a war the neocons start.

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"Lou Sara, it's like this, duuuuude... when a bro has 0% body fat, he's all done cutting pork. And lemmie tell ya about the hard work and sacrifices a guy needs to make to get ripped abs like these."

And then their eyes locked. The sexual tension was thicker than the clogged arteries of a hoverround rider. At that moment, it was as if time had stopped, and then went backwards, which was great since they both yearned for the good ol' days of the 1950's, a time when men were men, and women made sammiches.

Something, something trickle-down, stinger missile, something, Benghazi. ----

Meh, needs some work, but I think conservatard romance novels might be hot sellers.

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Could wingnutz find a more incompetent economic thinker? A BA in economics, LOL. Every Nobel prize winner in Economics is a flaming libtard.

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