Comic book supervillain film The Undefeated was released in theaters on Friday to exactly the amount of excitement visible on the faces of trapped subway car passengers standing next to someone who has just farted. Movie ratings site Rotten Tomatoes confirms this. [ Rotten Tomatoes ]
I'm waiting for the John Waters all-drag remake. (Sadly, Divine is not here to take the title role.)
so here's a thing i'm really confused about (i was just over at imdb fighting with a palin troll pet) has brietbart done ANYTHING to justify his fame? i mean i know we live in the age of celebrity and stuff but seriously has brietbart done anything?
cause i get the sense that's he just a pissed off actor who never made a living - and honestly there are so many movies about pissed off actors who can't make a living. also there are so many actual actors who can't make a living...
why does this man have a platform?