I am delaying my garden dreaming, seeing as how I still have at least a foot of snow covering it, and last night the temp dropped to double digits below celsius zero again. For fucks sake, winter, give it a rest already. Some years I get to plant my peas on March Break (next week), but not this year. Sheesh.

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I gave at the office

no really, I'm at work

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And if you did there would be nothing on the internet.

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And I'll have the dogwhistler word salad with red meat on top, as well.

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I suspect it's Bristol who knows about being a solicitor...

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Snow Snooki is only paying her "speechwriters" $10,000 to post on Facebook for her.

What do you expect for that kind of chump change?

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In April she will be addressing a county Republican gathering down in Alabama. That's about her speed these days.

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As I recall, the NRA opposed legislation banning "cop killer" bullets.

Using Palin-logic [patent pending], since the half-wit grifterbilly is a card-carrying member of the NRA -- a COP KILLER ORGANIZATION -- she therefore endorses KILLING ALL COPS, everywhere, at all times. QED.

Now, Palin, you were saying?

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You know, this could be a damn fine country if twunkwaffles like this stopped stirring people up just to put money in their own pockets. Hell, she would be slightly more tolerable if she believed. But she doesn't...not any more than the carny barker believes that he has Jayne Mansfield's actual head behind the curtain.

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Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday too.

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Isn't there a new trailer park that needs a ribbon cutting that she could be attending to?

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She's nowhere near smart enough to be willfully ignorant. Remarkably, she actually is that fucking stupid.

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Griftzilla emerges from her lair to stomp around, make noise, smash the scenery, and retreat with her claws full of moron teabaggers' money. I've seen this movie before, and it sucked the first time. And the elebentydozen times since, also, too.

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So we're doomed now? I think I'll go throw myself in the thresher.

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Moose droppings contain far more wisdom than Palin's putrid pellets.

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Wonkette: Speaking of the March 3rd GrifterPAC post - when you are going to correct the error that the PAC only gave $5,000 to a candidate in 2013?

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