My FIL held up a big flat of strawberries that he had just bought for $4. In the next breath he bitched about illegals in this country taking our jobs. A right wing acquaintance of mine bitched that health care should not be provided to illegals, claiming it wasn't a public health issue because she never comes in contact with illegals. She said this while eating fish at a seafood restaurant that has a kitchen staffed with anyone who will work, not to mention the boat hands, dock workers, and fish pluckers.

They have no clue that the cheap overstuffed lifestyle they live is made possible by undocumented workers, and that their welfare is our welfare.

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Worth noting, Trump's spokesprostitute's first names are, Katrina, Kellyanne, and Kaliegh. KKK.

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Christ, she escaped the mental ward again.

Staff. You can't trust them with anything anymore.

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Big Cow doesn't know any actual Messikins but she's generally bedeviled by all things "brown".

No, Big Cow - that's an Inuit.

No - that's a moose.

No - a bare tree.

No - that's a pile of your own vomited bile. Read the chunks like tea leaves - Your liver is telling you to cut back on the Vikes.

No - that's your husband's full colostomy bag. You've been passed out with your head in the toilet for a long time.

Better check up on Little Cow - has she calved again?

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I respectfully disagree. I haven't missed Sarah at all. Moreover, it's not nice to make fun of those afflicted with severe mental disorders....... Well, maybe just this once......

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Ya know Evan, my favorite thing on this site is to read the snark-filled blogs and add my two cents. You seem to be doing such a good job that I have little to add except my LIBULLLLLZZZZZ!!!!11!!!! memes. Tone it down with the nuff said dammit! I have wit to share!

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I'm pretty sure your handle says you can't eat there ever.

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Or a window licker? But I do a disservice to the severely retarded by making that comparison.

Disclaimer: I was given that awful term by a bus driver in the public school system. It's not all stripper poles and Kristal as the right wing would have you believe. We are broke and angry. We say bad things.

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Don't believe the hype!

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Palin is angry because she "thinks" that other people are getting freebies -- they aren't -- and it will leave less free stuff for her to collect. And Coulter is pissed because her book sales have been hurt. Anything else to be interpreted?

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Taco Bell is serving margaritas?!? Things have improved "south of the border."

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Is that some kinda Obama free only to illegals quota thing? Are you even allowed to be in this country?

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Sarah Palin has some nerve talking about people getting free stuff, when she admitted that her family went into Canada for health care http://voices.washingtonpos...

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Gerbele, snourf, horex, biffle, splort.

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You betcha!

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