<blockquote>Hannity asked Palin, “Is the VA a death panel for many?”

“That is what government-run health care will result in.” Palin replied.

“Our prisoners at Gitmo,” Hannity said. “There is one doctor for every 1.5 prisoners.” “We have one doctor for every 35 vets,” he added.</blockquote> So in summary, government-run health care results in death panels, and we're not providing nearly enough of it for our vets.

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She is still the reigning cunt of the world,proven by just out cunting Hannity

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Oh, good! I was afraid we might not get to hear Caribou Barbie's "thoughts" on this, but here she is, farting all the stupid through her piehole. Thank Nevaeh.

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You want to see betrayal of veterans, Sarah? Here is some bona fide actual betrayal of veterans right here, you scumlicking slugfucker: <a href="http://www.motherjones.com/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/05/guns-...">http://www.motherjones.com/...

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"Fox News - Betraying Our Troops"

That's what it says, right behind her.

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Yeah, but just try to get an appointment to see him.

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Do I consider her ass a reliable source of this sort of "information"?

Yes - it's very reliable. Been producing for years.

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When a dog shits on the floor, you don't see any blog posts about it...

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Given her history of integrity and knowledgability, I am sure she has a reliable source for that claim about illegal aliens, right?

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You were out front helping lead the chorus that created most of those wounded veterans, Sean. I know you have the memory of a sleep-deprived goldfish but do try to pay attention.

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<i>“That is what government-run health care will result in.” Palin replied.</i>

She was going to try putting it out on Twitter, but she's obviously having more trouble than usual arranging 140 characters into something that resembles a cogent thought.

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I like how she conflated three separate hot button issues at once and still sounded like she believes it. That is some skillful demagoguery, you know?

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Not in any way a rip on my Wonkette, or Herr Doktor.

Even commies have to get the page views...

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Well, Lloyd never gave the chattering class starbursts.

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U.S. overall has 1 doctor per 416 people. <a href="http://kff.org/global-indic..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://kff.org/global-indicator/physicians/">http://kff.org/global-indic...

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