"Palling" is seems more like "pawling", as with "casting a pall". But "paling" would be "pale-ling". Which means the actual alphabet is unable to accomodate Palin's thoughts.

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I'll bet Biden called the TP'ers "errorists", which is pretty accurate.

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She is a "news contributor", which must mean she makes stuff that is turned into "news" by the FuxTron 2000 they run over there.

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Good snark! Oh, wait... hold the phone... you're serious.


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I believe the closest translation you'd find would be <a href="http:\/\/www.google.com\/search\?sourceid=chrome&amp\;ie=UTF-8&amp\;q=fart sounds" target="_blank"> something like these.</a>

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Putin rears his head; Palin heads her rear.

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So....she's saying she doesn't think Obama pals around enough with Republicans? Does golfing count?

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Something out of Poltergeist is what I had in mind... but with Bachmann being the monster, it doesn't click.

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i watched with no sound to see if she really looked as bad as that still suggested.

she does.

what's going on with that? does she have a picture in the attic that's expiring or something?

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Something about you are much more likely to find out Michele's position on the floor than on the ceiling?

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The trick is to take a breath in the middle of the sentence instead of at the end.

Some people practice this. For others it just comes naturally.

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I think that hair don't was supposed to be a homage to Amy Winehouse that fell flat.

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She jumped the shark years ago. While her daughter was busy jumping something else.

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When Duh Guv'Nor appears on ClusterFox (The Media Wing of the GNoP) is she:

A. A paid employee of the network? And, just by the way, is there any other network that spends so much time "interviewing" its own employees?

B. A washed-up never-was, desperately clinging to some mirage of relevance?

C. A hack politician, appearing in an infomercial, attemping to jump-start another vanity campaign?

D. All of the above?

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In the future can you please start our mornings with something a tad more pleasant than Tundra Twat? Good lord knows you have plenty of material in NY, D.C. or whereever the Wonkette is based.

Secondly, what the hell is up with this book by Andrew Gross? It's on both sides of my Google machine screen and I find it irritating.

Thanks for considering my comments.

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Thenks but no thenks, genxr.

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