I'm kind of hoping that he'd gotten into a drunken "squirmish" with a snow blower.

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An example of Malcolm Gladwell's "10 000 hour rule"?

You are just new to this "bigotry thing" and it gets easier the more you do it. Just look at "The Donald". That is bigotry honed over many, many years.

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I suspect that there isn't an hour of the day when a Palin isn't in some kind of trouble. The big appearance just happened to coincide with regular scheduling.

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I'm sure that when GOP next wins an election, they'll make it illegal for furriners to voice an opinion on American politics.

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Do they still do that? I mean naming co-respondents in divorce cases?

Thanks for posting that, as it gave me a good idea on what to wear today. Think I'll wear my co-respondent shoes, give them an outing.

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Just as well comments are not allowed.

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Or for the high-class set at Vail:

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"Voluntary" is not strictly required. Goats can't legally consent, for one thing.

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That's what the meth is for!

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This is hilarious. I just read Trump told the audience to "Forget about Todd" so that he might have their undivided attention. I expected him to say...."Me, I prefer guys who don't wreck their snowmobile and land in the hospital."

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I have no idea - but it's such a fabulously old fashioned, torrid sounding term.

I love it!

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We've been posed seriouser questions, like, how the hell did Sarah Palin ever get elected Governor? We call them sno-go's in the rural areas, snowmachines in general. Since we used to never have to manufacture snow (before climate change and having to import snow for the Iditarod) we wouldn't have known what the snow makin snow machine meant to you guys Outside.

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The party of idiots is self destructing and imploding spectacularly, and in no time will be reduced to a boring history lesson in Political Science. That's the dream I have for my grandchildren.

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As long as that Milo Yaddablablabla guy from Dead Breitbart gets muzzled, I might be okay with it.

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Come now, if it were so serious, Sarah would have given herself another Wild Ride to get to the Wasilla hospital that is treating his life altering injuries. She just got out of headlining a podunk event, to get an elbow-rub marquee showing with The Donald instead, before she headed West to attend to emergent family business (as usual.)

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