But the Drudge headline read: Palin Wows Wisconsin Tea Partiers With Blistering Speech...

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oh yeah, that voice is gonna be blown today.

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an ephemeral political concept used to get republicans elected and then immediately dismissed as unimportant.

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No, there isn't, and stop calling me Shirley.

Sorry, folks, I had to.

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One of my all-time favorite movie scenes.

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I thought I was the only other person in the world who saw that movie.

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Chris Christie ate the 70 who didn't show up.

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Oh, Riley, I'm so sorry you had to link a story with Breibart involved! I hope the PTSD tremors subside soon.

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Agreed. People should use Johnsonville brats. They’re fatty, taste bad and they’re part of Koch’s empire.

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<i>Anyway, you communists are rude! </i>

Unlike people who boo Democrats. Those people are patriots standing up for their rights.

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That was excellent video. Brietbart was apparently very frustrated over the "rude" protesters and my favorite line was "...this is not class welfare." I could barely hear Sarah, which was nice. I preferred the cowbells myself, along with the roar of the crowd.

Riley: Excellent .gif masterpiece. I so want that as an avatar.

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I never thought I'd live to see the day when someone would make an animated gif better that the Pelosi/Demon...but I was wrong. This is the new best...the one by which all other gifs will be judged.

Thank you, Wonkette!

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Derpity derp derp, indeed.

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I was really hoping she would be pelted with frozen bratwurst. People of Wisconsin are too nice sometimes.

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iRobot? Don't they make the Roomba? It will adorably suck up all the radiation.

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A note to people who think they are poisoning rats. First of all, clean up your mess, rats are there because you are feeding them with your filth. Second, when you poison your surroundings you are now living in poison. Third, have you heard about the rat poison miracle diet? Its sooooo easy too loose that extra 100 lbs you have hauling down to McDonalds. It’s fast, effective and probably won’t do you any harm either!

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