Is that a tundra fatwa?

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And diet pills.

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Never until we are dead.

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Seriously? That sounds like a character from a wannabe Faulkner book.

"Gramma Baby Doll and her common law husband sat around a niggardly fire. "You know Baby Doll...hay and wood ken burn".

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I think 'Granny Cunt' would do just fine.

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Well, I certainly appreciated a visit from a friendly avatar. =) It may mean I'm doing something right to have Spanky v.1.1.7 visiting me daily, but it's kinda depressing to have all his/her/its avatars all over my page.

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Mama Twat?

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<i>He says she told him in March 2008, “let’s get pregnant.”</i>

Bristol was terribly upset, though, when she ended up pregnant and Levi didn't. "I thought we were in this together!" she cried. When Levi tried to explain that men didn't get pregnant, she interrupted, "Nonsense! I've seen Todd in maternity clothes bunches of times."

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bristol sounds every bit as charming as her mother: entitled, demanding, self-centered, ignorant, shrill.

rock on wasilla.

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Ok...dumb question, but exactly who didn't she want calling her "Grandma" if the kid couldn't talk yet?

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Governor Sarah Palin?

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If the snowbillies are like the southern rednecks, 46 would be old to be a grandmother for the first time.

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Is it me, or was there ever a time when the biography/autobiography shelves were filled with great people who had an enormous <strike>affect</strike> effect on the human species?


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Mommy Dearest, more like.

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Somewhat O/T: Well, having seen the whole birth video in fifth grade, I got myself fixed. But, if I hadn't, I would kill my impregnator and my mother if that's what it took to prevent them from seeing my junk do that.

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