No wonder Levi had to use so many wine coolers!

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Here you go: <a href="http:\/\/blogs.poughkeepsiejournal.com\/dishnthat\/2011\/07\/20\/stuffed-peas-a-snap-to-make\/" target="_blank">cheese-stuffed peas</a>

Replace the intellectual liberal elite mascarpone with Real American™ Cheez-Wiz, and you're ready to deep-fry the suckers. (Add bacon-bitz for the ultimate edition.)

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The Bus to Nowhere (taking the long way around, since Sarah is against the bridge.)

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When the Great White Grifter takes cheap shots, it means she's getting her ammo at Sam's Club. I hope the Secret Service is paying close attention to this situation.

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Hey Sarah, this is your dad. I want to see you eat every carrot and pea on your plate. Do you hear me, young lady?

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Following Her Griftiness has become a bit like following drunken Hollywood pop tarts around town: the only goal is to be there when she says or does something stupid.

She's one of those particularly dimwitted B-list celebs who can be relied upon for a steady stream of material. I'm surprised there aren't tabloid reporters stuck to the side of her bus like remoras.

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I'm not comparing Palin to Welles, I'm comparing her to the frozen pea copy.

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god DAMN i have been looking for that transcript since mid 93 when my bff gave me a tape and then i got divorced and lost it.

god DAMN.

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actually no matter who's head esplodes, we win.

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I am currently enjoying a blow job and some Jack Daniels. I hate this interruption to my life.

Fucking tundra twat needs to twitter, get some knee pads, and show Rick Perry how blow jobs are done down here in Texas. I heard he is gay - but I don't believe it's true. I think he's a goat fucker. But I can't confirm it.

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<i>What was this bus tour called, again? The Trail of Tears?</i>

I like the title "The Attention Whore Tour" because (a) it rhymes, and (b) it's true.

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So it sounds like she's going to steal every bit of T-Paw's thunder. All 2 decibels of it.

Plus, she'll probably take his corn dog, too.

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Her ego needed a few rows to itself.

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Speaking of peas, this is kind of also <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=8ixt_t46k4Q" target="_blank">my reaction</a> to listening to Palin.

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You'd still have to deep-fry them in lard to make them palatable.

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