Yep, Quitter and Bristol are still morons, and still quite bitter about being rejected by Hollywood.

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These days I'm just angry about politics :)

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See, now, why do you call yourself AngryKatie? You don’t seem angry, you seem to have self control! 😁

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I did customer service for years. My biggest takeaway was people rarely take responsiblity for things they're solely responsible for. And people who do own up get way better treatmeant because it's so rare.

Sarah Pallin is totally the customer who's cable gets shut off because she didn't pay her bill, and then calls screaming about "what did you do" and "how dare you."

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A scary thought but these regressives have the basic good cop:bad cop two idiot Monty worked out. Too much of the same grade stupid makes it undeniable.

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Fun fact: Would you believe that the State funded Harris County Mental Health services, which I used to receive benefits from, their acronym *was*, clear up until 2018, MHMRA. That stood for Mental Health and Mental RETARDATION Association! I’m not even joking!

So, I am not defending the flippant use of the word as an insult, but it is still not quite (maybe it is now, since the MHMRA has now changed to MHIDD, mental health and Intellectual and Developmental Disability) completely expunged from use in medical terminology, the same way that “idiot” and “moron” were.

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I love people like you. ❤️☮️ This is how I like to handle things. Always take responsibility for my own participation in getting into the situation. That way, I’m not a victim. I’m not perfect, sometimes I forget and get upset, but I try really hard.

Clearly, Palin - and probably, nobody in the current administration - has ever experienced this epiphany.

Not to mention the nausea-inducing entitlement that allows one to never have to lift a finger to check her own goddamn itinerary, look at her own goddamn map to make sure they know where they need to go, and look at the little blue dot on the map at some point to make sure that the driver is going to the right place!!???

After her bitching about the “hollywood elite,” she has no room to talk, she needs to STFU because that lifestyle is exactly what caused her to just relax and *assume* she was going to arrive at the right airport. Dumb bitch.

OH, and let me just guess while I’m on a roll, she *definitely* didn’t touch a single piece of her own luggage. Probably didn’t tip, either.

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Yeah, I saw that, “wealthy enablers” bullshit, what the actual fuck? Really, Sarah? Really??? You really gonna go there? smh.

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Before Trump had selected his VP, I was terrified that he would actually pick her. She would be the perfect female version of him, it was just too perfect! Once the image got in my head I couldn’t shake it and it gave me daily anxiety attacks!

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What. A. Whiny. Ass. Bitch.

"...great costs on our part in time and resources.."


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Nah. Piper was brought along because she doesn't have her own grift yet, and Lou Sarah was hoping to find one for her.

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I disagree. It's like nuking dill pickles in a barrel.

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In the face of speznatz it doesn't matter.

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Somehow . . . her current favorite preznident is probably the only one who could have made her look halfway decent in the job by comparison. At least she had some prior experience as a state governor -- and won the job on her own, without Russian backing.

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What -- nothing about the same things Cohen's done to Dick "I Drink the Blood of Children" Cheney and Roy "High School Flower" Moore?

I mean . . . fooling Sarah Palin is like grenading fish in a barrel. But it takes a bit more slyness to pull it off with Moore, and a *whole* lot more to put one over on good ol' Dick-the-avatar-of-the-mechanical-heart.

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1 million upfists for that one line alone.

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