now THAT is a wonkette comment.

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I didn't.

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Isn't Michelle Obama a stay-at-home Mom? She just happens to live above the store.

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Do you know what <i>else</i> started withy <i>Poulter-</i> ?

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You obviously haven't read the facebook comments, they explain <i>everything</i>

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In that whole rant, she couldn't have talked ONCE about Obama smoking crack? She also doesn't mention that time he said he would take all the babbies away.

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Ignorant twunt twisting the President's words? Must be a day ending in "Y".

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Put the slut pills on the supermarket shelves, next to the wine coolers. Hope that a future Bristol and Levi have the money for both, because insurance won't pay for either.

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We have always been at war with Strawiana.

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She deals in dreamers and telephone schemers.

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The coverage of griftettes will continue until donations improve.

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Coaching youth sports is usually done by people without traditional jobs? When did that change?

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Neither Arizona nor Alaska are exactly known for growing it, so how exactly <em>did</em> The White Queen of Grift source the material for all those strawmen? Does she have yet another home state?

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Compliments to the chef, who fucked the chicken <i>just so.</i>

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"Entertain latchkey kids"

She's talking to you, Rich Lowry! IT'S STARBURSTIN' TIME

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"Following the birth of their first child, in April 1989, she helped in her husband's commercial fishing business. She was elected to the Wasilla City Council in 1992, and became Mayor of Wasilla in 1996. In 2003, after an unsuccessful run for Lieutenant Governor, she was appointed Chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, responsible for overseeing the state's oil and gas fields for safety and efficiency. The youngest person and first woman to be elected Governor of Alaska,[1] Palin held the office from December 2006 until her resignation in July 2009. She has since endorsed and campaigned for the Tea Party movement, as well as several candidates in multiple election cycles. On April 3, 2014, Palin premiered her latest TV show, Amazing America with Sarah Palin on the Sportsman Channel"- Wikipedia

Ok, Sarah, now tell us when exactly you were a stay-at-home mom.

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