Actually, that's what the Founders were <i>thinking</i> when they wrote the Constitution. And we all know what the TP'ers <i>think</i> the Founders were thinking is what the Constitution really means. Except for the parts they don't like.

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If the Brits can have a queen, so can we. If the Brits can drink warm beer, so can we. If the Brits can boil instead of fry, so can we. If the Brits can spell, so can we.

If the Brits can have single payer health care, so can we!

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Did someone mix up her Blackberry and dildo AGAIN??

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Edsgggg HEHHHGGHH???

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I think she's having an orgasm. Probably day dreaming about Armageddon again.

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I checked out the oped section of the Washington Examiner to determine what Grisly Mama was excited about but there is too many to choose from (a small sample):

* Michelle Malkin: Whitewashing voter fraud won't work * Manhattan Moment: Cities should unravel their pre-digital regulations * David Freddoso: Republicans can't possibly outsource more than Democrats * The Daily Outrage: Insects in Madagascar need bailouts too. * The problem with electric cars * Noemie Emery: Anita Hill scandal did more than hurt Clarence Thomas * Rep. Darrell Issa: Technology is key to achieving 21st century transparency in government * Cal Thomas: If Brits can cut spending, so can we

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Please don't encourage her.

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Cal doesn't mention that although Britain is laying off a ton of people they also intend to spend 200 billion to upgrade their infrastructure which will employ some people at least. If we spent the equivalent it would be, what, one trillion? Think of how much money that could mean to Halliburton or KBR!

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