For brain cells?

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Also a bad plot device, for one of Karl Rove's hilariously bad plots. Spoiler: he does not consult a five-year-old script editor before shoveling them out the door, which is how he got the nickname "Bush's Brain."

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Gee, thanks. I love the way her eyes cross when she blows.

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Few have made more noise - and said so little.

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So, she's back on the meth...?

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Or, in Sarah's case, lie about it.

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Duh Guv' probably uses moss from the frozen tundra.

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Yeah and you might need to swallow that bad boy down with a martini, for extra measure.

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Exactly! Are you in my head?

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Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?

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I assumed it was an intentiono.

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She's the gift that WON"T SHUT THE FUCK UP.

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Oh yes l have to agree Levi's he is a loser for even tent fornicating that little grifter minx what learned how to be all prim and proper from the half term grifter minx she calls mammy.Now for more pressing manners can someone put a stop to the Tundra Twit from coming to my home state we dont need nor want her dumbass here in Ohio so can I play like Cruz and tell her to get the hell out and stay out

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Good Lord, she's not even speaking English. It's just some sort of sing-song gibberish.

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And my day were going so well until you mentioned this cunt. Damn you Editorix.

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<strike>Brontosaurus Theories</strike> ACA Alternatives by <strike>Anne Elk</strike> Sarah Palin

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