Not a set. Maybe a single step somewhere in the middle of the final flight.

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Okay, wait. The Spice Girls date from '94. Loosely speaking, GenXers were born between '65 and '84. So an early GenXer would have been in his or her mid- to late-twenties. And you somehow managed to avoid hearing about them? Despite knowing who Beckham was?

Actually, I guess the proper response is "congratulations".

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I've come to prefer "Babble Spice".

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Wasn't it Rudolph who actually said that?

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Lisa Ann Libel!!!*

* Commenting for a friend.

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Fucking Shatner read her verbatim, and was more interesting.

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Palin is not stupid. However, she is significantly under-educated, and, I suspect, did not read fuck all of even the local newspaper. This is not, in itself, a huge deal. Speaking for myself, even in 2008 I no longer subscribed to any print newspaper or magazine (except Consumer Reports and Scientific American). I still don't, and I've let SA go because they've gone stupid.

The thing is, If I had been asked that question in 2008, I would have said that I daily read the online version of the SJ Murky, and (yes, I admit) HuffyPoo, and large bits of the online NYT and WaPo. The reason that Palin didn't make a similar response is, I suspect, that she didn't read regular online outlets. Willfully undereducated.

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I think it was the flute solo.

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1. How can we forget GILF?

2. Actually, the 'Flats is what brought me here. AKM is a strong person.

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(That was wonderful, but completely understandable, because Fey looks so much better).

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This is fairly accurate. Despite the occasional neg ("I can see Russia from my porch"), the confusion of Palin and Fey in the public mind has probably been a net benefit to Palin. Fey is a bit younger and hotter, and -- when out of character -- is clearly a more interesting person.

The SNL treatment may, or may not, have had an influence on the 2008 election (I lean towards "not"), but it had a very positive influence on Babble Spice's future grift potential.

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Well, except for the fact that it means everything is fucking terrible.

But we're still here. I guess that's something.

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He failed to allow for relativistic effects. Palin is extraordinarily dense, so time runs more slowly in her immediate vicinity. Hence, her fifteen minutes has been stretched out (in our frame) like the accretion disk surrounding a Black Hole of Stupid.

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Wait, does this mean we should expect her to go after Lisa Ann?

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And let's not forget former Wonktributor Sara Benincasa Palin vid's.

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In fairness to SNL, though, it did manage to encapsulate in one concise broadcast the scathing contempt of an entire nation.

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