If Wonkette allowed comments, I might congratulate our Dear Editrix on her heroinical attempts to decipher the Demiguv's 100% authentic frontier gibberish.

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whatever putin does or doesn't do, whatever happens in north korea, if the middle east officially and totally goes up in flames and even if we are overrun by toronto, i will still and always sleep better knowing that john mccain, mitt romney and sarah palin are no where near the white house.

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Sarah Palin couldn't find Italy on a map.

Crimea? Forget about it.

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That clock isn't broken, it just quit halfway through.

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"This was a very good meeting. And I look forward to my next meeting with President Putin in July. I very much enjoyed our time together. He's an honest, straightforward man who loves his country. He loves his family. We share a lot of values. I view him as a remarkable leader. I believe his leadership will serve Russia well. Russia and America have the opportunity to accomplish much together; we should seize it. And today, we have begun."


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I Told Ya So*

* "So" may or may not contain words and sentences, in any particular order, reflecting commonly accepted versions of words and sentences commonly found in your version reality. May contain nuts, also.

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Uh yeah. This "prediction" was in the <a href="http:\/\/www.newscorpse.com\/ncWP\/\?p=11594" target="_blank">same campaign speech</a> where she warned of Obummer's plotting with Tehran, invading Pakistan and cutting funding to the troops. Not clairvoyant, but about as accurate a room full of monkeys typing on keyboards and flinging poop.

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Linda LaDouche (AKA)Lyndon LaRoughe predicted it long afore the Tundra Twit so no Sarah you do not get credit you have been outcunted again

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Where can we find 600 cavalrymen?

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Eva Peron meets Our Lady of Fatima.

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