Her followers would believe the stone would be rolled away on the third day.

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I think you'd want to tell her it's eight years.

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Unless she can be lured into a cave and a big rock rolled over the opening.

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I would like to receive money from my fellow citizens as I've thought for many years what it would be like to live under this 'European Socialism' (I'm thinking of the Galicia region of Spain) and need support to study this question.

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<i>"Gov. Palin is a proven leader"</i>

How true! If by "Gov." you mean "ex-Gov". And by "proven" you mean "petty tyrant who used her office to settle personal vendettas instead of respect the public trust given to her by the voters". And by "leader" you mean "quitter".

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He doesn't need her money. He can write* his own book and rake in dozens of dollars. Suggested title: "Survival Skills: The Stormy Life and Times of Alaska's Former First Dude" ________________ * perhaps I assume too much

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Actually, Burnt Umber was the name of her and Glen Rice's love child.

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Bad thought: If you are her age or older, you are going to be hearing from her for the rest of your tortured life.

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You make a great point! The economic question of the early 21st century is how to monetize the social media made available by the Internets.

Both Duh Guv'Nor and Ole Crazy Eyes have figured that one out just fine. Newt hasn't mastered it, of course, but that's just one item on a rather long roster.

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God forbid we submit to European Socialism. We'd have affordable healthcare for one thing, and that is just not God's way.

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No. They are following the Fruit Fly model.

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I gave you a thumb up. That's what you were asking for, right?

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PAC money is like her unemployment checks.

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somewhere tina fey weeps quietly.

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Truly the Jim and Tammy Faye Baker of politics. Perhaps she could use some portion of her $14 million per annum income in helping her decide. I am sure she is torn between $14 million and $400,000 per year as president.

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So far in this life, no pit bull has ever asked me for money.

Ole Crazy Eyes and Duh Guv'Nor, on the other hand, have their hands out more often than an eight-year-old kid in a toy shoppe.

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