
Nope, still plenty of room in here.

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Obama plays 3-D chess, and he plays Go Fish.

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Sarah is all over this like white on Rice.

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And Michelle just gently smiles and walks away whistling.

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Is this a mixed metaphor?

Or have I been naively misinterpreting crazy old T.R. for all these years? Did he mean that the best foreign policy is to whisper sweet nothings into other countries' ears and then fuck them?

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Its not that I believe women don't belong in politics, but were I trying to make that argument, this would certainly be exhibit A.

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<i>"But our nation’s security should be of utmost importance to our Commander-in-chief."</i>

What would Dubya do? Keep reading "The Pet Goat" while his fellow citizens are falling from the sky ON HIS FUCKING WATCH.

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I wondered that, too.

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They've probably all choked on a few, but "known" is hard to prove.

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i guess getting bin laden doesn't count as 'standing up to islamic extremists'.

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Since she was only a half-term governor I believer her title is more appropriately the Nor.

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Palin doesn't exactly have a big dick. She just <i>is</i> one.

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Apparently, <a href="http:\/\/abcnews.go.com\/blogs\/politics\/2012\/09\/obama-chats-with-pimp-the-limp-dj-laz-on-911-morn\/" target="_blank">this</a> is what's been echoing around the chamber for the last 24+ hours.

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Mrs. Palin, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this bloog is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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Doesn't matter how big it is, Sarah, you'll never see it.

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I wish it had been, in its entirety.

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