"Doktor Zoom" is a stupid liberal apologist Palin is right! People (on all social media) look to Vladimir Putin as a real man! He takes absolutely no BS from anybody! Obama apologizes to some reporter for calling her "sweetie."

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I want to have your babby.

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Geez - I thought it was Bull O'Really?

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Ewww, Tessiee! I had made it through the panties thing by imagining Caribou Barbie wearing them when they caught fire, but "fetus donuts"? That calls for brain bleach!

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Unhealthily thin? Just her headbone.

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Reading that LouSarah used the words "bloviate" and "equivocate" reminds me of that other bad old joke (besides Walnuts/Barbie 2008): Amy says to her boyfriend, "My friends think I should break up with you. They think you're a pedophile." He replies, "Pedophile? Say, that's a mighty big word for a ten-year-old."

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Well of course they won't be satisfied with that! They would have to re-sod the entire lawn!

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They'd immediately condemn his use of a sissy foreign dagger to cut out his own guts, <i>and</i> condemn his abdication of the duty to lead, and conclude that it is further evidence of how much he hates Christianity and America and the Constitution.

Then they would get lunch at Chik-Phil-eh to protest.

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i just want to know how he got by the jack stuef censors.

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she's been going all hollywood thin for a couple years now.

it's not her friend.

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Leading, not <i>bleeding. </i> Didn't you see how Michele Bachman is against "rounding the corners of the head" from that earlier Sparklepony post?

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It sure seems like legitimate criticism, coming from the loser who lost to this Obama guy. You can always count on those people, losers who lost, to be the honest arbiters of the truth, not just bitter bile-spitting hacks sniping from their little Hannity havens. No way.

That's a respectable, legitimate opinion, and not even sad, long-rancid sour grapes. Also, it is on a legitimate News channel, that covers things like The News, not a long-rancid 24/7 sour grapes channel looking for any excuse to fling criticism at the President. Not. Even.

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"Lloyd’s of London declared the half-term governor’s panties to be a total loss."

<i>Pussy Riot,</i> Alaskan Edition.</i></i>

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If Obama were more like Dubya we'd go to war with Iceland over this.

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